Chapter 01: See You Soon - The Colour of His Eyes

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"See you soon...Eren...."

A woman with red hair, dressed in white, soothes as she gently kneels down over a man and reaches out to hold his face lovingly as his teal-green eyes slowly close.

Those eyes, pools of green, pools of teal.

The first time your eyes met his, it was the most random of encounters. You opened your eyes to find yourself spending the last hour wandering through the Shiganshina Shopping Centre, making sure to pick up a candle before buying some makeup here, some new work ties there. You had just exited the Sephora entrance when the Starbucks across the concourse caught your eye. 

You saunter across, making sure not to bang into any passerby's as you do. You walk through the glass doors to discover a long line of customers casually waiting to approach the till. You softly groan, having hoped to grab a drink, and quickly head out of the mall and back home. But no use complaining, you've already walked into the place, you aren't about to do a 180 because you can't handle a line.

You go to stand behind two men, who you can't help but make note of due to their stature and appearance. The one on the right is about 6'2, incredibly muscular and sporting a short blonde mop of hair. He's got one hand on his hip and wearing a pink sleeveless shirt that perfectly frames his build. Every now and then he mumbles something inaudible from your position to his companion, the man on the right. 

He's a little shorter in height, and where the other man has the build of a gym rat, this one has the build of an avid swimmer. You can see the subtle lines of his back muscles through his turtleneck short sleeve shirt, an interesting choice for a stifling summer day. But what really catches your eye is his hair, long, dark brown locks that's been haphazardly tied into a messy man-bun.

 You can't help but stare at the back of his neck and that bun. It was just so... enticing. You know man buns are something of a weakness for you, the way they hint at a man's androgyny and carefreeness. You've spent enough time in your life with men who are anything but. You feel this low burning sensation, a desire to pull at the hair to see the face it frames. Damn gurl, can you chill? Can't even go out for a day without wanting to grab someone. You silently laugh at your own thirst as you grip your shopping bags a little tighter. You can be so pathetic sometimes, and I mean, really? Today of all days?

You're knocked out of your stupor by the man with the bun shaking a little, from a low chuckle. You give your head a little shake, and as you do, your phone starts vibrating loudly in your jacket pocket. You quickly throw your hand in your pocket to press the silent button on the side of the phone, desperate to not draw attention to yourself. Good, the two men in front of you barely flinched at the sudden noise intrusion. Then again, the sound of coffee machines, blenders, and voices going off, how would they even hear it? Oh shit the line's going faster now, this better be quick.

You pull out your phone and see your co-worker Candice's name on your screen. You roll your eyes and let out a soft groan in frustration, before swiping right and bringing the phone to your ear.

"Hey Candice" you answer, hoping the irritation you're feeling hasn't come through in your tone.

"Hey Rose..." Candice says in the singsong voice she uses when she knows she's about to piss you off.

Oh God, what is it?

"Onyankapon rang me up to ask you to cover a session over in our studio in Santa Maria tonight for your training. Dutch wants to use that studio for the session instead of the regular and Colt's already on his way to the airport..." she pauses, knowing she's already said enough.

This time you can't stop yourself from groaning audibly. "Oh, come onnn Candice, I've worked seven days straight. I really need these two days to myself, it's really important to me."

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