Chapter 76: The Lighthouse

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It's late one night when you, Eren, and the guys are driven back to the Marley City hotel you're staying at to find it once again littered with people outside its doors.

"Ohh for—what the hell, I thought security was supposed to be keeping people back!" Jean exclaims as he looks at the chaotic scene.

"You mean we'll have to go through those people again?" Connie groans. You all observe the crowd, they're older and don't seem to be waiting for your arrival. They all seem to be just hanging around outside, some openly drinking.

"Mmm I think these people aren't here for us," you say and Eren gives your hand a squeeze.

"It's up to you babe, if you want, we can drive around to the back and see if someone will open the backdoor."

You shake your head no, "I think we'll be alright."

Your limo stops at the entrance and Jean opens the door but only a few people seem to be interested in you guys stepping out, the regular stans you see every day. You all pile out and the stans all start taking picures and filming you all as you walk up to the doors of the hotel. Eren holds his arm around your shoulders as you walk and the stans manage to follow you all into the lobby, for once not held back by security. Your eyes all collectively bulge when you see the lobby's inundated with people, mostly older, rougher, smoking and drinking and having what appears to be a good time.

"Uhh hey, what's going on?" Levi asks one of the partygoers, a man with a long greying beard, smoking a cigarette and housing a beer. "Who are all these people?"

"You didn't know man? The Jack Miles Band is staying here! Go up to Floor 17, that's where the real fun is!" The guys and you all look at each other and shrug before heading to the elevator and piling in.

"Who the fuck are 'The Jack Miles Band'?" Connie asks as you ride up and you pull out your phone, clicking on the first link you come across.

"Apparently they're a famous rock band from the 70s, from California, biggest hit was 'Holy Woman' in 1973. Ask your dad. I've never heard of 'em."

"I don't get it, if they were so big back then, why do they have a ton of fans downstairs for them now?" Floch says.

You shrug, "I guess cause they were big back then, some people really love that time in music. They're still stuck in the past."

The elevator dings to your and Eren's floor and there's a ton of people in the hallway.

"Ugh guys come with us," Eren says as he holds you to walk out. "We'll order pizza or something." All the guys nod and shuffle out to walk with you to your suite. You all pile in and shut the door on the sounds of loud music coming from other suites.

"Ugh I can't do this man, I gotta get some sleep," Reiner groans, rubbing his face.

"Yeah same, are there any hotels, motels, b&b's around here?" Floch asks Levi who's scrolling his phone.

"I'm already looking. I'll take a shed in someone's backyard right now if it means I don't have to put up with this filthy shit."

There's a loud bang at the door and everyone jumps including you. Eren walks over to it and swings it open and the music blasts even louder as a drunk guy falls in the room, laughing his ass off.

"Ooops sawry man," he slurs and gets up to walk away.

Eren slams the door and walks over to pack some clothes in a bag for the both of you. "Anywhere you can find Levi," he mutters as he packs.

As Levi makes arrangements for you to all hole up in a motel near the city limits, Connie sees your bottle of prenatal vitamins laying on the dresser.

"Heeeeyyy what's this?" he says as he grabs and eyes it. Eren and you flash each other a look, neither of you had planned to tell anyone till you knew for sure that the pregnancy would stick. "Ohh... shit...sorry Rose..." Connie says when he realizes what he's looking at and the guys watch as he clears his throat and hands the bottle to you sheepishly.

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