Chapter 28: Red and Pink Roses

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The golden elevator doors slide open, revealing the empty and quiet posh lobby of the hotel. You walk up to the hotel reception desk; two concierges are working at it, and they bow cheerfully to you as you approach. You clear your dry throat. "I am here with Lord Uzui and I need you to call me a cab," you croak as you clutch your purse and duffle bag closely to you.

The men smile at you, clearly ignoring the state you're in. " Lord Uzui-sama has a limo waiting outside for you, he let us know you may have to leave early during your stay."

Of course, he did. He was probably banking on you leaving, he knew exactly what would happen tonight.

Your blood suddenly runs cold as you think back to the ominous warning Porco gave you only weeks ago as he stood over you in your kitchen;

He's ready for you, he's been ready for you since the day he laid eyes on you. He's been waiting like a snake in the grass for you to slip up and you will. And when you do, he'll be there to bite .

The man was the master of manipulation and calculation.

"Miss, Miss?" You snap back into reality as the concierge repeatedly addresses you.

"Oh, yes? Sorry."

"That's alright, the limo driver is waiting at the front for you. Would you like us to help you with your bags?"

"No! That's not necessary, thank you," you say as you draw your purse and duffle bag close to you, suddenly protective of them.

"Alright if that is all, we thank you for your stay at the Royal Fritz. Henri will drive you home safe, please enjoy the rest of your night and come back soon." With that the two concierges bow to you and you turn around and briskly stride down the long marble lobby and out the door. You walk down the stairs to the driver of the black Mercedes Benz waiting for you. He bows as you approach and takes your hand to help you in the back.

He climbs into the front and pulls out of the hotel's porte cochere and drives through the affluent city streets of Stohess until he comes to the turn leading to the entrance ramp of the Paradis Coast Highway. He speeds up considerably as he enters the somewhat busy freeway and clears his throat.

"I know you are going home very late Miss Woods-san is there anything you need to stop for before we get to your destination?"

"No, thank you, I'm fine. Do you need my address once we get to Shiganshina?"

"No thank you Woods-san. Lord Uzui-sama already provided it."

You scoff softly. If you have to hear them use his honorific one more time....

"Mr Henri-san, I am sorry, I don't mean to be rude, but I must sleep, this is quite a long drive. Would you mind if the partition was rolled up?"

"No of course not miss. I will be sure to roll it down a few minutes before I arrive at your destination." With that, he pushes a button and the tinted window rolls up, isolating you in the back seat. You let out a deep heavy sigh as you rub your wrists again, bruised, and fiery from the rope burns. You stare out the window and see those beautiful twin mountains draw closer to you, their caps once again snow white with a red tint from the ever present lava glow. You send them a silent prayer of thanks and bow your head to them as Henri drives towards them and into a long brightly lit tunnel at their base.

You were my only source of comfort tonight; I will never forget your kindness. Thank you.

With that you sigh and snuggle into your seat as best as you can, shivering somewhat from the lack of sleeves on your jersey dress and doze off.

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