Chapter 82: Call Your Name (Eren's POV)

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I'm crying, missing my lover,

I don't have the power

On my side forever

'Call Your Name' by Hiroyuki Sawano


"Promise me Levi, promise me you'll look after Eren."

Levi's dull grey eyes shoot open, his heart suddenly beating very quickly. He groans as he sits up, not entirely sure why the hair at the back of his neck is suddenly standing up. He clutches his chest and breathes calmly, trying to slow down the beating of his heart.

He can hear some voices muffled yet speaking loudly in the hallway and he turns to see that it's still early morning. He sighs as he rolls out of bed and gets dressed, noticing it's just after 6 o'clock. Levi's managed to find a nice cozy tea shop near the Lucerne Regency, he might as well go by for some Earl Grey now that he's awake.

He grabs his keycard and wallet, stuffing them in his black coat as he puts it over his shoulders. He walks out into the hallway and startles as he sees two armed guards blocking the elevator. He turns to see two more blocking the fire escape.

"Sir, back in your room!" One of the guards calls from way down the hall and Levi pays him no heed as he straightens up, trying to maintain his cool as he approaches the elevator.

"Sorry sir, floor's under lockdown. Go back to your room," one of the guards barks as they both move to block the elevator.

"What? What do you mean lockdown?" Levi asks in bewilderment.

The guards straighten up even more, "There's an important official here for the next few hours. We're providing security until they've cleared out."

"Official? Whom?" Levi asks suspiciously, his eyes narrowing even more.

"Classified. Go back to your room." the guard shifts and says firmly while they stare ahead. Levi sizes them up and they shift more to show off the loaded rifles in their hands. Levi gets the very clear message and goes back to his room, sitting on his bed, feeling very ill at ease. He sits, not knowing what to do when he hears whistling and humming out on the balcony. His eyebrow furrow and he tosses his coat off as he opens his door to look for the source on his own balcony.

He looks left and finds Zeke whistling happily as he leans on the railing, enjoying a cigarette in his open house coat and underwear from a few balconies over.

"Psst! Zeke!" Levi hisses loudly. Zeke hears him and turns to look at him.

"Ahhh good morning Leviiii!" he shouts and waves, a big grin on his face.

"Eh, eh, keep it down Zeke!" Levi smacks his head and hisses and realizes that's impossible from their distance.

He sighs as he eyes the space needed to clear between the balconies. He groans, hardly believing what he's about to do as he goes to the end of his own balcony. Using his natural swiftness, he climbs on top of the railing and leaps to the balcony next to his, rolling into it. He does it again twice more and lands swiftly on Zeke's balcony as Zeke smokes and eyes him silently.

"You know most people use doors, right?" Zeke says sarcastically, his eyebrow raised.

"I'm aware," Levi huffs as he straightens up his white button-up shirt. "Go ahead and use your own damn door." He crosses his arms and watches as Zeke looks at him questioningly before he turns to walk through his room and out into the hallway.

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