Chapter 89: Freefall

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Come on,

Oh my star is fading,

And i swerve

Out of control

'Amsterdam' by Coldplay


Bells toll to ring in the 3rd hour at the Church of the Holy Founder Ymir during one sunny spring afternoon. An older woman named Carole hears the bells toll from her hospice bed next door. She breathes heavily, wheezing, as oxygen is fed to her through tubes in her nose. Her daughter sits next to her and holds her frail hand as they watch old reruns of Golden Girls on tv. Carole ignores her favourite show however, and instead turns her head to stare outside as she struggles to breath on her own.

Below her window, a convertible rolls up to the hospice parking lot. It's bright teal blue, and a vintage model, the kind you would've seen in the 70s. But this convertible is different, it's special. The engine, the car radio, everything about it is brand new. It's never failed or crapped out and it never will, it's the perfect car.

Inside of it sits a young woman adjusting her headscarf in the mirror. She plays with her shoulder-length wavy pink bob before pulling her scarf down on her head and wrapping the scarf around her neck, throwing the ends behind her shoulders. She adjusts her sunglasses, pushing them up her nose and reapplies her lipstick one last time. She smiles and playfully flicks a tiny hourglass keychain that hangs from her rear-view mirror before getting out of her convertible and taking in the cathedral and Eldian Spiritual Hospice Center, a place she's very familiar with. 

She lightly fingers a golden Egyptian Ankh talisman hanging from her neck. She's wearing a white lace corset top and blue jeans under a long black coat and tops off the look with her signature heels.

She checks the time on her watch and checks her pocketbook. 3:01; she's got plenty of time. Why not visit an old friend? She strolls up to the cathedral, passing a group of Eldian nuns and heads up the stone steps. She pushes the heavy wooden door open and slips inside. She regards how busy the cathedral is with some irritation but she's hardly here for worship.

She takes in the stained-glass windows depicting the Ten Titans, eyeing the Doomsday Titan in particular. She takes in the large statue of Founder Ymir and smirks at the proportions. She doesn't look a thing like that, not even remotely.

She stuffs her hands in her pockets and walks over to one of the doors in the back of the church, the office of Pastor Benjamin Reinhart. He's sitting at his desk, bent over a new pile of photocopies of ancient Eldian text scrolls, studying the new phenomena known as The Rumbling, as she knocks lightly on the open door and walks in anyways.

"Hey Benjamin," she says, a big smile on her face and he startles when he sees her before sighing and holding a hand on his heart.

"Oh god... please don't tell me..." he says, his face falling.

"Oh! No, no! Sorry, I'm not here for you today," the woman says apologetically. She taps her sunglasses. "See? Sunglasses staying on Ben... go ahead; at ease soldier."

The priest lets out a sigh of relief as the woman goes over to the window and looks outside, keeping her hands in her coat pockets.

"Well... I don't suppose you're here for any reason. One of my parishioners perhaps?"

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