Chapter 39: Fighting for Her

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I'm so sick

Infected with where I live

'I'm So Sick' by Flyleaf


The next day is the day of the Paradis Devils signing ceremony, and you clocked in at your regular time after Eren dropped you off a few blocks away to walk over. As you walked up to the building, you again noticed the red Cadillac and rolled your eyes as you went inside. Wasn't the guy tired of this? He hadn't successfully tailed you for two days, and he would never tail you, not if Eren and the others had anything to do with it. You had already made plans for Reiner to pick you up in his truck after the meeting was over, and you knew the guy would never make you out with your head tucked between your legs.

You plunk away at your work, trying to keep your mind focused and your eyes off the clock. Every now and then you stop dead in your tracks as your mind drifts back to last night, a night of passion on the cliff overlooking the nightlights of the city where you and Eren rolled around on the gravel, entwined in each other for hours. The breeze sweeping past you in waves as you two fucked like your lives depended on it, stretching and moaning against each other, exploring each others bodies with a hunger that was still very much alive. 

You think back to how you hungrily whimpered his name and in a moment of uncontrolled passion he growled and reached out to rip your diamond bracelet off your wrist. You reined him in and whispered sweet nothings in his ear to stop him, wrapping your legs tightly around him, tightening your inner walls and kissing his neck softly, begging him to keep going. He had let go of his grasp on your bracelet and wrapped his arm around you, letting loose a flood of needy groans as he rolled you both over so you could ride him as he moaned against the chilled night air. You had rode him slowly, gently, lost in your body joyfully regaining a sense of control as his hands traveled up your body lovingly. Now you can't get flashes of those moments out of your brain long enough to focus on anything.

The meeting is scheduled for 3pm and as it draws near, you're called into Tengen's office where you are told to attend the meeting as his private secretary to take any necessary notes and witness the signing. Tengen mercifully dismisses you immediately after he gives you his orders and tells you to go wait for the band in the lobby.

You ride down the elevator and inspect yourself in the mirror. You're wearing your glasses and your hair in bouncy large red blown-out curls and sport an off the shoulder long chocolate-brown knit sweater dress that goes down to your calves. The diamond bracelet feels heavy, and you sigh as you rub your splinted wrist, the pain's lower in intensity, but the throbbing's persistent.

You think again back to last night again, how Eren helped you put your clothes back on after you two had completely overexerted yourselves. He had only managed to put on his pants before he held your blouse for you to slip back into. He wrapped his hands around your waist and gently kissed your neck as you buttoned up.

"Not too much Eren, I don't think I have any energy left in me for a fifth go-around," you laughed lightly, still feeling so weak.

You two sighed as you looked out at city, blazing in lights under a black and orange sky.

"So..." Eren shifted behind you. "I never asked, how did everything with him go today didn't seem upset when I picked you up."

You hummed and moved away from his arms, preparing yourself. "He tried something right before I left..."

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