Chapter 19: Battle of the Bands Semi-Finals

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It's Friday evening, and the semifinals for the Battle of the Bands competition. Mikasa and you have been standing in the crowded dance floor together, absolutely bopping to Massey, one of the competing bands. They sound so fucking good to you, and you're so thrilled that unlike your last attendance with Porco, you can actually enjoy yourself, not looking over your shoulder to see your ex-husband glare at you with angry, possessive eyes.

No, this time you've managed to convince Sasha to come, who called Mikasa and Connie to join in on the fun. Sasha explained to you that Mikasa's shyness rarely saw her leave the house for crowded places, but the raven-haired girl was so intrigued to hang out with you that tonight she made an exception.

Now the two of you bop and dance together like you've been friends for ages, laughing at your own silliness. Sasha and Connie approach you two through the crowd, both holding two opened beer bottles above their heads as to not bang them into anyone. You both yell your thanks and the four of you get in a circle and cheers before downing your beer. You wince and let out a loud burp, completely unused to beer and the others laugh, though you can't hear them, the music is so loud.

You continue to dance with each other, and you laugh as you watch Connie and some random guy shove into each other. You let out a yelp in surprise as another guy bangs into you, spilling some of your beer on yourself, and Sasha grabs you to bring you closer into the group. She leans in and shouts in your ear to stay super close in the group circle as the place gets more packed.

After some time, Eren's band comes on to uproars of applause, shouts, and cheers. The guys all wave at the crowd as they get into position, again tightening their strings and straps. Eren's looking like his so-called namesake, very demonic. He's wearing a loose-fitting black tank top with his black pants with chains and black doc martens. He's got some eyeliner circling his eyes with the same red lines drawn down the face as before and a small section of his hair is up in his signature bun, the rest falling around his face. He smirks as he walks up to the mic and searches the crowd.

"Shiganshina are you ready to rock?" Eren yells out to the crowd, to uproarious screams and cries. 

"EREN, I WANT YOU!" you hear someone shout and you turn to face your friends and share a smile, the fangirls are definitely out in full force tonight.

Eren winks in the direction of the scream. "I know you do baby," to even more roars and screams. 

You and Mikasa stare at each other, a flash of acknowledgement that you don't quite register between you. You turn and stare at Eren again, a look of amusement on your face. This time, you're in control of yourself and don't feel like screaming for him. Nah, he'd never let you live it down if you did it twice.

The guys all begin to play, playing the same exact set they played the night before in your living room. It's a longer set with 6 songs to make up for the smaller number of bands performing this time around, and the guys crush it. They're all playing off each other's momentum and you can tell how much of a confidence boost last night's session was to them. They sometimes break off to exchange words in the middle of drum solos or guitar solos and you can see how they love being in each other's atmosphere. You again feel that sense of pride. These guys who you've come to see as friends are doing what they love doing and succeeding at it, how could you not feel proud?

Eren's face scans the crowd every now and then as he sings, and you know he's in his purest element when he sings. It's his singing and playing that let him truly be himself, and even though he has to play off his moniker as the so-called Demon of Shiganshina, it somehow still fits as he showcases his clear passion for the art. He's otherworldly in his passion.

He comes off a long drawn out note and leans back from the microphone to stare down at his guitar as he plays along Reiner. His face again comes up to stare through the crowd and you see the flash of green against the stage lights as his eyes hit yours. He stops dead on you as if he's been searching for your face this whole time and you beam at him and nod, as if to tell him he's doing great. He smiles back and winks at you before going back to focusing on his playing. If you didn't know any better, you could've sworn you saw a hint of blush form on his cheeks.

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