*Chapter 36: The Diamond Bracelet

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You clean up Tengen's desk just as he commanded, your hands trembling as you do. Your wrists are both sore but achingly sharp pain is shooting up your arm from the wrist he slammed into the wood. Your lips tremble as you resist your tears, determined not to cry in this office. You resolve to not shed a single tear in this building, you won't allow this place to see your vulnerability.

You straighten yourself as best as you can, ignore how your red hair has fallen out of its updo and go back to your desk, grabbing your purse and your phone.

You look across at Candice's empty desk, wishing you could see her face now, if you had ONE face to look at in this office, that could be a comfort to you. You now understand why she was given such a decent exit package and shake your head in defeat. Grabbing your coat, wincing as your injured wrist brushes against it, you briskly walk back to the elevators, needing out of this place immediately.

As you walk out into the lobby downstairs, you suddenly gasp, remembering Eren. He was supposed to wait for you outside in the plaza, it's been 3 hours since he dropped you off, there's no way he's still around. The pain in your wrist is burning unbearably. You walk out into the sunlight and flinch at the sudden brightness, the fresh air, the people talking and laughing, the food vendors shouting their wares. A new sharp pain shoots from your wrist and into the rest of your body and you cry out softly. Whimpering in pain, you visibly shrink and cradle your wrist as people walk past you, enjoying the day. You feel alone, completely alone, like you're screaming at the top of your lungs at the edge of a widening void, and no one even looks up to acknowledge you.

"Rose!?" You hear from a distance and look over to see Eren who's been sitting at a nearby fountain, his hoodie missing, and his hair pulled tightly into his man ban. He gets up and walks briskly to you, his face etched in anguish.

"Rose, I tried texting you, but I didn't hear from you. What...what happ—" He can't bear to finish his sentence because the crumpled look on your face says it all. He just moves closer to you as you cradle your wrist and tears start streaming down your face. He doesn't say anything, just hugs you gently, trying not to squeeze you too tight. You sob into his chest as he rubs the back of your head and your lower back.

"Er—Eren," you say, choking on your sobs. "I need—I need you to take me to the clinic, I can't mo—move my hand."


Eren speeds you to a walk-in medical clinic and fills out the forms for you as you cradle your wrist against your chest, in a state of semi-shock. He hands them to the front desk and sits down, rubbing your back, trying to do something to help. He sighs behind his mask and fixes yours which has fallen past your nose.

"Thank you," you whimper.

"Do you want me to come in with you?" he asks gently. You shake your head no. "Okay, I'll stay out here then." He moves your hand away from your chest, careful not to touch the wrist. He looks at it, badly bruised, swollen, and hot to the touch. He doesn't say anything before moving it back into your chest.

The nurse calls you into a room soon after and you sit on the patient bed as she puts your chart on the door and leaves. You wait for what feels like forever before the doctor comes in, half his face covered by his medical mask.

"Okaaaay Miss Galliard-san, good afternoon, my name is Dr. Schelling, I see you're here for a wrist injury. Let's take a look."

He looks at it and winces. "Ooo that looks angry," he says as he feels it and turns it from one side to the other. His eyes narrow as he looks at it closely. "How did this happen?"

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