Chapter 53: A Couple of Rings

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A month has come and gone by so quickly since you and Eren returned from the Reiss house on Uri Lake and things at work couldn't be better. Tengen Uzui has taken it upon himself to stay on the continent, supposedly extending his work trip into a prolonged vacation for whatever reason. Frankly, you could care less. The time he's been away has taken a tremendous weight off your shoulders and you can focus all your time and energy on helping produce Paradis Devils' debut album and learning the intricacies of being the official creative director for the upcoming tour, scheduled to begin in the new year. 

You learned how you would oversee the band's visual style and brand, a role you had at times advised on already. With an allocated budget, you'd help Eren and the guys figure out their photoshoots, music videos, and even the album's name and cover.

Early on in the production, the bandmates along with Levi had discussed with you in great detail that they had put together a setlist of songs, most of which having to do with fear, longing, and angst, a newer more emotional sound then what they had produced in their early days. You and Colt had gone over the production schedule with them, and they were surprised to learn they'd all be recording separately, which they hadn't done when they made their EPs.

Colt and you had discussed your own role as a co-producer and had agreed that you'd help with the recording sessions, but would leave the editing, mixing, and mastering to Colt and another producer Marlo to take over as you devoted the rest of your time to the creative output of the band.

The band's new album would feature 11 songs with All in or Nothing coming in as the last track. Eren had held you from behind as you looked over the track list once it was finalized. You were grinning at how well every song fit in, having heard them many times.

"Well, you like them then?" Eren said as he cradled you in his arms as you stood in the dark control room, on break from rehearsals. The other guys were talking amongst themselves near the control panel and the two of you stood in the back, your backs to everyone.

"I love them," you smile as your fingertips press into the lettering for All in or Nothing. "Are you sure you want to include this one though? You wrote this about me, it feels too personal to be public."

Eren smiles as he takes the whiteboard with the track list from your hands. "I know but I think it's perfect for the message we're going for. I thought you said you wanted to me an angst-filled frontman with mystique?"

You laugh at that as you turn around to face him. "You just want your fangirls to think the song's about them, don't you?"

Eren smirks and winks down at you. "You told me you wanted me to seduce each and every fan."

"I did and I meant it Jaeger," you grin. "Just as long as you remember who this belongs to," you joke as you smack him on the ass.

Eren quickly looks over his shoulder to see who saw that but the guys are all preoccupied, so he turns back around. 

"You're such a freak Rose. I don't know how you're gonna last during the tour, with those fans all falling over me."

You laugh and draw closer into him and take his hand to place around your waist as you look up at him seductively. 

"I'm surrre you'll learrrrn soon enough," you purr. Eren's eyes widen slightly, as he's come to find your purring a massive turn on. 

"Don't start that now with everyone here," he hisses and you laugh. 

"Sorry," you giggle in your regular voice before going over to Colt to look over notes and the panel before you call Floch to go back in the isolation booth to start recording the rhythm for the song Drive Far Away.

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