Chapter 25: One Last Night

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A week has passed, and you're in your kitchen unloading the dishwasher. Eren isn't home, he had sent a message saying he was going straight from Zeke's autobody to Reiner's place to practice. Ever since the late night on the beach, Eren had spent every moment of free time at home practicing his guitar and writing music on the piano. He had again asked you to attend the Battle of the Bands finals and you had laughed.

"Well, why on earth wouldn't I? That's the most important competition! You guys have the strongest shot of winning, of course I'm coming!"

Eren had smiled at you, "I guess I just didn't know what your thoughts were of coming. I didn't want you to think I didn't want you to be there."

You smiled back at him. "Of course, if you want me to be there, I'll be there. We're still friends, right?"

Eren nodded as he looked in your eyes. "Yeah totally...of course we are..."

Now the finals were just a week away, and Eren had hunkered down. He's practicing, he's working out and swimming laps, he's even scribbling notes here and there for potentially new songs.

Tonight, you'll have the place to yourself, and you intend to go out back and work on your little garden which you have been neglecting with everything that's going on. Tonight, you'll let go of everything and just have a quiet solitary night in.

The room is suddenly filled with the sound of your phone going off and you look down cautiously to see who is calling. It's LaMarcus and you quickly swipe to answer and put the phone on speaker.

"Hey you," you say clearly as you reach into the dishwasher for another bowl.

"Heyyy, how are you doing?"

"I'm doing alright, just spending the night cleaning and gardening."

"Ahh how quaint. And how's that roommate of yours?"

"Eren's doing fine, he's just busying himself getting ready for the finals."

"Ohh shit, that's coming up huh? Fuck, I so wish I could come watch, it sounds fun as hell. I still can't believe your roommate's a rockstar."

You chuckle as you get on your tip toes to slide a wine glass into a higher cabinet. "I can, you should see how great these guys are."

"Well, I'll take your word for it. If they win, I'll check them out when they go on tour. Oh! I have a thought. Can you give me Eren's number real quick?"

"What? What on earth for?"

LaMarcus chuckles. "It's a surprise hun, you'll find out soon enough... Sooo y'all are still coming to the game tomorrow night, right? I still got a plus one ticket for you as well..."

You wince thinking about it. LaMarcus had called you earlier in the week to let you know his final game was this upcoming Friday and he wanted you to come along to it and bring someone else if you wanted. Your first instinct was to go to Eren but you decided that might send the wrong message so soon after your night on the beach. Rochelle and Frida were both busy. You had even called up Sasha and Mikasa who you'd grown even closer to but both had exams to study for. 

So instead, you invited Lord Tengen, bringing it up with him as you two redressed after a quick session in his office. He had hesitated before agreeing, saying he wasn't going to say no to exclusive courtside seats.

"Yeah, I'm still coming, and I'll be bringing someone as well."

"Ohhh who y'all bringing? Eren?"

"My boss," you say shutting your eyes as you cringe. "He's a big fan, he's been talking about your retirement around the office for weeks," you fib.

There's a pause on the other line.

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