Chapter 26: Penthouse on the 42nd Floor

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Come on, my star is fading

'Amsterdam' by Coldplay


Tengen sighs as he presses the card into the keypad and the double doors slide open. You both walk in, and you're immediately taken by the view of the suite. The ceilings are well over 15 feet high with floor-to-ceiling windows, spread across the unit providing a panoramic view of Stohess' city skyline. The much-loved matching Eldian Twin Mountains stand tall, their tops covered in snow while their pits contain active lava. The eternal smoke cloud rises out of them, glowing red and creating an otherworldly look as it contrasts with the glistening snowy caps.

The suite includes a living room, one and a half bathrooms and a dining area along with the bedroom and Tengen immediately goes to put his bag and briefcase on the bed. You place your purse on the kitchenette counter and quickly stare at your phone, the time reading 10:51pm. You fire off a quick text to Eren saying you're spending the night in Stohess with Tengen and that your brother's game was amazing. You wish him a good night before shoving the phone back in your purse.

"Not too shabby huh? This place is pretty damn flashy," Tengen calls out from bedroom.

"Flashy? This place is incredible!" you call back as you marvel at the sheer poshness of the suite.

"Well, I told you I'd show you how well the better half lives," Tengen says as he comes out of the bedroom adjusting his cuffs, having changed into a button up shirt and black dress pants. 

"Why did you change?" You ask in amusement.

"Because I'm not fucking you in a sports jersey," Tengen beams as he walks up to you. He smacks you on the ass. "Now go get changed, I have something picked out for you on the bed," he growls playfully as he grips your ass. You giggle as he leans in and kisses your neck before grabbing your face to kiss you hungrily. He turns and pushes you off to the bedroom as you smile giddily. "Go on... I'll be waiting..." he says.

You take in the bedroom's view that showcases the twin mountains from an even better angle. Along with the bed, there's a writing desk, flat screen tv, and lounge sofa in front of the floor-to-ceiling double windowpane. On top of the bed sits a bright red sheer lace bralette and thong and as you pick them up, you realize the thong has a completely open slit. The bed also has a shoe box which you open to discover red six-inch stilettos. You inhale sharply, not sure if you like what you see before you take the set, shoebox, and your duffle bag into the ensuite bathroom, closing the door gently behind you.

You pull out makeup wipes from your bag and use them to rub off the red and green paint you have on your cheek, before reapplying some concealer to the area. You brush through your blowout, marvelling at how bouncy you've made your red waves for tonight and smile.

You take off the jersey dress and fold it, placing it on the counter. You slip into the red bra and panties, your nose wrinkling at the wide-open slit, not overly happy with it for reasons you can't quite place. You slip into the stilettos, slightly tipping as you try and balance in them; they're higher than your usual 3–4-inch heels. You feel slightly self-conscious as you stare at yourself in the mirror, feeling very exposed and nervous all the sudden.

You pick up one of the bathroom's glasses, monikered with the hotel's initials and turn on the faucet. You gulp down the cold water, hoping it calms down your nerves and it does slightly. You take a few more deep breaths before slowly and carefully walking out the door. You turn the corner and slowly pace out the bedroom to see Tengen reading a magazine as he lounges on a sofa overlooking the skyline.

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