*Chapter 87: Under the Tree Pt.II

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Where are you at?

Where have you been?

Toikake ni kotae wa naku 

Where are we going?

What did you mean?

Oikaketemo osoku tooku

'Under the Tree' by SiM


You keep your eyes closed as you feel the sunlight start to pour in your and Tengen's room. As long as you keep your eyes closed, today won't happen. The absolute worst day of your life, your wedding day. A third wedding, filled with people, extravagance, wealth, and you'll experience it completely alone, removed from everything. If you can just keep your eyes shut, you can't wake up.

Eventually you feel his big arms pull you into him and feel his lips on your neck as you stiffen from his touch. "I'm sorry Kitten, I know you're still pissed about the other night... I didn't mean to get rougher than I usually do."

"You hurt me Tengen," you murmur angrily, your throat rubbing against the bruises as you speak. "You really hurt me. You know I had nothing to do with this..."

"I know... I know baby... it was Jaeger, I know it was."

"He had nothing to do with this either," you say fiercely as Tengen wraps his arm around your waist. "He's not smart enough to do this."

"No but he is stupid enough..." Tengen retorts and kisses the bruises on your neck. "But you're right... it could've been anyone. Someone's clearly out to get me."

You shake your head and scowl. "And yet you take it out on me. I thought if I agreed to marry you, you'd treat me a little better. I'm supposed to be Lady Uzui for god's sake..."

"I know... I know baby," Tengen says as he kisses your ear languidly. "You're right. You're about to be Lady of the Uzui estate."

"And mother of your future children... I can never be that if you kill me."

"I know honey... I know...." Tengen says and presses himself against you. "Let me make it up to you."

"No thank you," you mutter, "I don't want my neck to hurt any more than it does... Besides, it's our wedding day."

Tengen smiles, "You're right, it is our wedding day. Mmm, I feel like going out for a big breakfast. How about you?"

"I'm not hungry."

Tengen looks at you and you nestle into your pillow more, trying not to cry. He sighs, "Fair enough Kitten, I'll be by in a bit. Call Ian if you need anything."

He gets up and showers and leaves, calling out some of his remaining guards as he does. You nestle into your pillow miserably, just wishing you could go back to sleep. In your dreams lately you've seen images again and again of a rose garden along with the feeling of swimming, submerging yourself under water. Sometimes you swear you can feel both simultaneously as if you're living two lives back-to-back.

Last night you dreamt of swimming in a storm, feeling your body be jostled by the waves as rain and lightning burst down into the sea. You had screamed for help all while hearing horrible booms in your head. Booms as if some giant is walking closer and closer to you. You screamed in fear and ducked under the water as the booms became deafening and felt yourself being washed out further into the sea, disappearing into the blackness.

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