*Chapter 61: From You 2000 Lifetimes Ago

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Eren is back in his small and cramped room in Liberio, watching the shadows flicker across his ceiling from the small lean candle sitting on his small, upturned crate box. He sighs and lifts himself to look through the small single-paned window that overlooks the harbour to see the moonlight brightly shining against the sea. He once again settles into his lumpy mattress for another sleep filled with the memories of future sins and past events.

He's made a life for himself here, he's gathered all intel he can, and he's waiting for an opening to manifest to further infiltrate into Marley's war. The instructions he's received in the last week from his brother Zeke were very straightforward: Infiltrate the Marleyan Army. Find your way back to the Liberian Internment Zone's Veteran Unit. He settles his head into his flat pillow and drifts off to sleep.

His dream returns him to her. She is just as she was when he last saw her, standing in a panicked and frenzied crowd of people rushing an already packed train that's struggling to leave the station, the last exit route away from the onslaught of countless colossal titans making their way gradually towards the isolated town nestled well into the mountains. Again, the woman is holding something protective, shielding it from Eren's view as she is thrown from side to side by the panicked swarm. Again, her spirit leaves her, and her shoulders drop as she realizes there is no escape. Eren stands away from her but still reaches out for her as she sighs in defeat and looks up at a cloud of birds frantically taking off, abandoning the city to its fate. She turns, every part of her shrouded in smoke but this time she faces Eren head on.

Eren's eyes widen in terror as he sees the anguish painted on Yurie's face through the smoke as she stares right at him and soundlessly cries out his name in a panic. As Eren lets out a soft sob and takes a step back, her scream comes in loud and clear, wracked with terror as she continuously calls out Eren's name. She screams one last bloodcurdling scream as a flash of light once again blasts thorough Eren's eyes and he settles into his pillow as soon as he realizes that now he's back in his room.

He's breathing heavier than he ever does when he has his dreams of the rumbling. He's learnt to accept them as regular visions that come to him in his sleep but now his breathing is ragged, and his forehead is clammy. 

'I know I'm supposed to fall in love with her and that I'm the one to eventually kill her', he thinks as he hesitates, knowing this is the night he falls in love with Yurie. He actively tries to stop himself from moving before he rolls over to quickly change into his clothes.

He makes his way outside and onto the empty street of Liberio as the vendors and storefronts have shuttered their shops and tents hours ago. He huffs into the crisp night air and turns to briskly walk through the winding streets that lead up to her. He begins walking faster and soon takes off in a full sprint, completely unsure of what he's running for. He soon makes his way through the winding back alleys that stretch across the back of the waterfront shops. 

He slows down and walks until he comes up to the unremarkable door that leads up to Yurie and begins loudly banging on it. He keeps pounding the door, unsure if she can even hear but he knows he has to keep going wordlessly until she opens the door. He starts kicking the door before it is flung open by Yurie in a state of undress with only a sheer kimono covering her naked body.

"Eren, what on earth are you—" she says in clear irritation before she stops and notices the maddened state of distress written in his face. She steps aside to let him in and Eren grabs her hand as he brushes past her and rushes the two of them upstairs. "Eren! What are you doing?!" Yurie exclaims in disbelief as she suddenly pushed by Eren into her own studio.

She spins around to look at Eren in complete bewilderment and goes to speak but Eren rushes up to her and crashes his lips into hers. He wraps his arms around her tight and kisses her forcefully, his tongue sliding down her throat. Yurie makes a peep of protest as she tries to move back from him but Eren's grip on her is too strong. He soon pulls away from her lips and Yurie breathes heavily, not sure what to say, what to do.

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