Chapter 18: Concert at Home

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"Fellas, be careful to lift with your legs, that piano is extremely heavy," you instruct as you and Connie move the sofa to the opposite end of the living room, close to where the front door is. You watch intently as Eren, Reiner, Jean, and Floch all slowly move the piano to the corner of the living room, right near the sliding back doors. In one go they all lower it slowly and it connects with the floor with a small thud sound, triggering some of the keys.

The guys groan and stretch. "Can't believe we'll have to move it back after," Floch mumbles as he stretches his arms before walking out to the band's equipment van.

Eren had asked you if he and the band could practice in your living room the day before, knowing it would help them to get one last practice in front of a small audience out before they performed in the semifinals. You weren't at all used to having more than four or five people in your house but looking around your living room, you thought what the hell, let's get some use out of this space, and agreed.

Now he and his bandmates are setting up and you help move furniture here and there. Eren's group of friends from the beach will all arrive within the next hour at 7pm to watch them play. You have an abundance of cushions and blankets from the old days when LaMarcus would have people around. Now you spread them all out on the floor for your guests. Eren made sure there was a separate armchair for the band's manager Levi Ackerman, who had flown back from Marley a few days earlier and wanted to supervise the band's last practice before the big show.

After helping as much as you can, you let the rest set up as you go upstairs to change out of your sweatpants and t-shirt, quickly shower, and slip into an off-shoulder long-sleeved black bodysuit and jeans. You put on a smokey eye, feeling like really getting into the vibes of tonight and you put on a soft rose lip stain as well.

You walk downstairs just as the doorbell rings and Eren runs up to open the door for a much much shorter man with black straight hair in an undercut, narrow grey eyes and an indifferent look on his face.

"Oi, Eren," the man says. "Are you brats finished setting up yet?"

"Uhh yes, almost Heichou," Eren stutters as he lets him in and turns to you, "Rose, I'd like you to meet our manager, Levi Ackerman. Levi, this is my roommate Rose and our host for the night."

Levi looks at you and a small smile edges across his mouth. He bows to you while shaking your hand and you bow as well.

"Thank you for lending out the space for the band to perform Rose, you have my utmost gratitude," he says graciously.

"Oh, it was nothing. I'm excited to see them play in a more intimate venue," you say as you both smile at each other. "Ackerman-san, I was told you take tea, please allow me to make some for you."

"Please, call me Levi. And I will take a green tea, yes."


The band mates all speak amongst themselves as they adjust their instruments. You walk up to Eren and touch him gently on the shoulder. He turns around and smiles at you as he adjusts his guitar strings.

"Are you guys good to go? Do you need anything else?"

Eren beams at you, "No, we're okay. Go ahead and sit down hun."

You beam back, "Okay, have fun tonight." With that you turn and walk through the kitchen to get to the other side of the living room, which is easier than stepping through people. Eren had indeed invited his whole group which consisted of 10 besides you. Armin and Annie, the two blondes who rolled joints are laid up on the sofa, saving a seat for you. Marco and Bertholdt are sitting on a large cushion, Ymir and Historia are cuddling together on a blanket. Connie's hanging out on a saggy beanbag he lugged in, and Sasha is busy chatting with her date for the night Nicolo on an oversized quilt. Mikasa, the quiet raven-haired girl is sitting close to the front, and she smiles at Jean as he adjusts his bass straps.

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