Chapter 90: Turn to Dust

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"All of us are made of dust Eren, I guess one of us has to blow away first."

You drag your feet through the sand quietly as you make your way over to the light house with a convertible parked next to it. As you draw closer, you notice it's a vintage with that beautiful bright teal blue colour, just like the convertible Zeke had restored and let you take out to the lakehouse.

You walk up to the door and weakly raise your hand to bang on the door. You stand there, shivering in the warm spring air, soaking wet. You bang on the door harder, your voice cracking as you call out.

"He—hello?" you cry out. "Please! I need help! I need a ride! Please?!"

There's no answer on the door. You give up after desperately banging for minutes and look towards the convertible. There are no other vehicles, no other people around. You don't have any other choice.

You feebly walk up to the convertible, finding the car keys still in the ignition. You shakily get in, not thinking you'd ever get into a vehicle again in your entire life, let alone the driver's side of a convertible.

You take a deep breathe in and out, close your eyes, tilt your head back on the headrest and silently sob as you sit behind the wheel. I can do this, I can do this. Just let me do this, I need to do this. You take more shaky breaths in and out, caressing your belly, feeling the low flutter deep within you, faint and weak.

"It's okay little one, we're going home. I promise, I'll get us home," you whimper, smiling shakily, soothing your baby gently. You hold your baby close, sniff as you feel more hot tears well in your eyes. You cry gently as you lean into yourself.

After a few minutes, you breathe deep and gather your strength and open your eyes. You quietly turn on the car and turn up the music.

Ohh baby do you know what that's worth,

Ohh Heaven is a place on Earth.

They say in Heaven, love comes first.

We'll make Heaven a place on Earth

You feel your vision blur again as you sniff and listen to your mother's favourite song. You wipe your eyes as you watch the sun, watch the last of it dip below the horizon.

"This was your grandmother's favourite song," you laugh softly, your voice quietly shaking. "She used to drive around when she was pregnant with me and blast this song. It must have made her feel so alive..." You smile sadly and caress your own swollen belly. "What do you say? One last drive to feel alive Lily?"

You laugh as you feel the flutter again as she responds. "Let's feel alive together, let's go home baby..."

With that you turn the music up loud and sigh a breath of fresh air. You won't go out tragically, not if you can help it. You'll go out feeling alive. You wipe your eyes and hear the bird above you call out for you once more.

You look up at it and smile, "I'm ready. Show me... Show me where Eren is..."you say, feeling a slight wheeze in your chest.

The bird immediately heads south, and you reverse out of the driveway and follow it down the road that turns onto the main highway. You keep the top down and press your barefoot into the gas as the dusk skies turn dark.

You wheeze as you speed down the country highway, holding your bump for strength as you speed to Eren. The bird calls down to you when it's time to make this turn, that turn. Your heart pounds in your chest and tears fly out of your eyes as you keep driving, you're going home. You're going home to say goodbye.

Just keep to the right, don't go over the limit, just let me do this one last time. Let me feel the wind in my hair one last time.

As the song continues, you feel the wind whip through your long red curls. You breathe in the mountainous clear air, mixed with the salt of the sea. You manage to laugh happily as you swallow a lump in your throat.

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