*Chapter 47: An Indecent Wager

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The next morning, you're woken up early by Eren kissing your neck deeply from behind as his arms, wrapped around you for most of the night draw you closer. You moan and stretch as you hear his sighs of contentment. 

"Mmm good morning," you yawn.

"Morning baby," he says quietly as he keeps kissing your neck and you feel his morning hard-on greet your back as it usually does. 

He sighs as his hands squeeze your tits and rubs his cock, hidden within his pajama pants, against your ass. You sigh as you feel just how much he wants you first thing in the morning.

"Mmm Eren, save this energy for tonight," you chuckle lightly in between your sighs of pleasure. "We'll be together up there for three whole days; we'll have plenty of time for that then." Eren groans in protest as he keeps kneading your tits.

"Come on Rose, I'm already bricked up," he whimpers and kisses and softly bites your ear. "I want you before work..." 

He keeps rubbing himself into your ass and you can feel the hunger in him as he reaches down and grabs himself. Other than your tryst yesterday morning, you two haven't had sex for a several days and you both feel absolutely feral. But you're willing to hold out a little longer if it drives him crazy. You pull his arms off of you as you breath heavily and slip off the bed and turn to him. 

"You're gonna be late if you keep this up. Now get up."

Eren sits up to look at you with frustration, biting down on his lip as he keeps rubbing himself. His hair is loose and covering his face, but you can still see the greed in his eyes. "Babe, come back to bed, Zeke won't care if I'm running late."

You cross your arms and look at him with a raised eyebrow. Eren huffs as he lays back down and runs a hand through his long hair. "I'm not leaving this bed till we fuck, I'm hard as a rock."

"Well, I guess that means I'll be going to the lake by myself..." 

Eren rolls his eyes and gets up begrudgingly. "Fine, you've won," he groans as he reaches for you and gives you a forehead kiss. "But you better be ready for me tonight," he says as he smacks your ass.

"Yeah yeah," you laugh as you smack his as well as you both go into the bathroom. "Remember we're also there to hang out with our friends Eren, it's not a free-fuck-for-all retreat."

Eren and you share the mirror as you brush your teeth together before he turns on the shower and removes his pants as you brush your hair. You see his figure in the mirror and smile to yourself as you see his cock is still hard as he reaches in to check the temperature.

"Uhh a little privacy?" he says when he sees you checking him out as you brush through a stubborn knot.

"Oh, don't be shy," you tease and wink in the mirror. "It's nothing I haven't seen before Eren."

"Well that's great Rose but I want to uhh...have some time to myself in here."

You smirk and turn around and lean on the counter, putting your hands against it. "Oh yeah, doing what hmm?"

Eren sighs and walks over to you as you lift yourself to sit on the edge of the counter. Eren puts his hands on either side of you and looks down at you, his cock still hard and now pressed against your thigh.

"Wouldn't you like to know," he growls softly and takes a fistful of your hair and yanks your head back gently. He leans down and kisses you deeply, his tongue shoving into your mouth as he groans needily and presses his hips into you so only the thin fabric of your pajama pants separates his cock from your pussy. You sigh as he pulls you off the counter and tries to walk backwards to the shower, your lips still wrapped together. He gets to the tub and aggressively yanks the curtain back as you keep kissing, but you pull away and smile mischievously.

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