Chapter 22: Night in the Uzui Manor

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It's now 1:30 in the morning and the last of the guests, some work colleagues from the legal department, are leaving. You watch them go and they turn and wave at you, congratulating you for pulling off such a great party. You put on your best smile and wave back, wishing them a good night. You had managed to collect yourself after Eren left, and now no one would even have guessed you just came out of a violent argument with your ex.

You sigh after the doors close, as your eyes scan the clean-up crew going hard at work with wiping down, vaccuming, and moping. The caterers are moving their leftovers into take away bins and the DJ is taking his set out to the van. Rico comes up to you to give you a quick debriefing and you two schedule a further debriefing meeting for tomorrow. Soon enough the last of the crew heads out the door and you know it is now time for you to see Tengen. He had already gone upstairs a little while back once it was apparent the party was winding down. You approach the head of security Paul, who's doing a sweep of the foyer to make sure it's clear.

"Are you good to do full clearance and lock up?" You ask him. He nods and smiles at you. 

"Yeah, no problem Rose. My guys are doing the sweep now. You're free to go upstairs, Lord Uzui-sama will see you in his office. Just call for one of us outside when you leave the house, we'll escort you to your car."

You smile and nod, wishing him a good night and look up at the grand staircase you now have to climb. You take a deep breath, collecting yourself, and make your way up the stairs. The first floor had been lit completely to help everyone clean up, but the second floor is in almost abject darkness. You can't help but feel a chill as you stare down the darkened hallway, only dimly lit from the lights from the foyer. You mentally thank yourself for exploring this floor earlier as you make your way to the third door on the left that leads into Tengen's study.

You breathe once more when you come upon it, and with a slight bracing, you raise your fist and knock on the door lightly. There's no answer and so you again knock, this time more firmly.

"Come in," you hear Tengen's voice say clearly, and you walk inside and bow to him. He's standing at the window, his arms crossed and one hand holding a glass of what is apparently brandy. His features are illuminated by the small bank lamp on his oak desk as well as the moonlight pouring in from the window. He has let his white hair down and it lays down his shoulders in wavey layers.

He turns to you and asks how things are going downstairs. "Perfect, the last of the crew has just departed. The only people left is security, they're doing a secure sweep and will lock up and return to their vigil outside." 

He nods and smiles, "That's terrific, I'm glad everything went well tonight."

You laugh as you walk into the room, approaching his desk. "So am I, I've been so worried some catastrophe would occur all night, and now I'm just thankful it's over."

Tengen laughs at what you say and turns to face you. "Well, you've done great work Kitten, the party was flashy and vibrant. You should be proud of yourself." He heads over to his bar and grabs the bottle of brandy. "Lemme fix you something, you deserve a drink made by me for all the work you've put into this. What'll you take?"

You smile, knowing there's no use in saying no. "I'll take a small glass of whiskey. I still have to drive home tonight."

Tengen scoffs as he makes your drink. "Don't be ridiculous, it's almost 2 and you live 45 minutes away. I've got a guest room you can crash in." He passes the drink to you and you two toast. You take the drink, and cough, not used to the taste. He heartily laughs at you struggle before taking a gulp of his drink. 

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