Chapter 40: Some Kind of Fate

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You and Eren park near the beach and get out to stroll the pier as you absorb the last rays of the sun. The day has been much hotter than it usually is this time of year and despite the chilly evening breeze that sweeps in from the sea, the beach is surprisingly packed for this time of day. 

The boardwalk is full of people, seniors doing their brisk walks in groups, couples rollerblading past, kids weaving through people and chasing each other. It's almost the polar opposite of what the beach was like when you came to it that night Tengen stood you up.

"I hope we can find somewhere to sit," you say scanning the beach for any square of space. "I don't understand, it's not usually this packed after dinner time on a weekday."

"Maybe something's going on," Eren shrugs as he weaves his hand in yours. You walk a little more and Eren buys a bag of potato chips for you to share. "You still got the water?" he asks when you both walk out.

"Yeah, I'm glad I remembered it," you huff as you balance the bag on your good arm. Eren sees it, takes it off your shoulder and puts it on his. "You're on potato chip duty, don't eat them all," he says as he pats your head and hands you the bag. 

"Aye aye," you mumble.

You keep walking and notice that Eren's keeping his eyes out for a particular shop. 

"Can I help you find something Mr.Jaeger?" you tease. Eren chuckles and shifts the strap on his shoulder. "I'm trying to find the Weed Pier Emporium..."

"Ohh the Pier Emporium huh? I know it well, it's down here." You pick up the pace and lead Eren as you weave past people until you come across a small little storefront. It's on the first floor of a three-story walk-up bathed in green LED lights and with all marijuana paraphernalia on display. 

"I take it you've been here before," Eren laughs as he makes his way up to the till. 

You shrug, "Meh, it was my brother's favourite place to go to on beach days."

Eren gets a box of joints and stuffs it into the beach bag before wrapping his arm around your shoulder as you walk out. "Now let's go find somewhere to sit." 

You both keep walking the boardwalk, scanning the beach for an opening big enough to allow you a tiny amount of privacy. As you walk, the patches of open sand get bigger as the crowds of beach goers sparses out. You point a spot out and make your way to it. Eren lays out the blanket as you pull out the water and struggle to open the bag of chips with your bad hand.

"Want me to do it?" Eren asks as he sits down and unzips his hoodie. You shake your head, 

"No, I need to do it myself, the doctor said I needed to work on strengthening my hand." 

You get it open and lay the chip bag down before turning to watch the sun, which is starting to set but giving off such a tremendous amount of warmth. You instinctively lean back on your hands and wince in pain when weight is put on your sprained wrist. Eren chuckles and leans back himself, opening his legs. 

"Come here, you can lean against me."

"Mmm thanks," you mumble and crawl over to sit against his chest, open against his dark hoodie. You sigh, finally feeling content for the first time all day and you lean your head back against Eren as you watch the scenery, the teens playing in the water, the kids chasing seagulls around, the occasional boat or jet ski that passes by.

"It's such a lovely evening," you say dreamily and Eren hums in agreement. "I could stay here forever with you, just watching sunset after sunset."

"Mmm, let's do it then..." Eren murmurs in your ear.

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