Chapter 65: The Stohessian Mountains

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You two are among the last to arrive at Levi and Erwin's loft apartment and you marvel at how much bigger the place is then you had originally imagined. It's a renovated apartment, having once been home to a brick-and-mortar factory. Now it's a spacious home with all the trimmings of an industrial studio.

"Glad you two could make it finally," Erwin chuckles as he lets you in.

"Yes, sorry the roads are horrible out there," you grin as you present him a gift of expensive white wine.

"Are we the last to show up?" Eren asks and Erwin shakes his head as he takes your gifted bottle of white from your hands to head over and put in his industrial fridge. 

"I'm pretty sure Sasha and her beau Nicolo have yet to show up."

"Ahh, late as always," Eren says as he helps you out of your heavy trench coat before taking his own off. 

You two eye everyone sitting in the seating area or at the dining table, or just standing and chatting. You and Eren make your way over to Reiner who's chatting with Marco and Armin.

"Hey guys, what's good?"

Armin laughs as he turns to you. "Oh, we were just probing Reiner for details about this redhead he's leaving behind to go on tour."

Eren grin at Reiner mischievously. "Redhead huh?" Eren smirks, looking devious with his goatee and Reiner looks at your hair and shakes his head. 

"Nah it's not like that. And we don't even know each other. She's just a girl who caught my eye in class, she doesn't even know my name."

"Well better get on it and tell her you'll be this impressive, acclaimed musician when you get back," Eren says matter of fact, "Draw her in but don't give her too many details, make her work for them..."

"Don't encourage mind games Eren," you chide him lightly. "Reiner, if you really like her, just ask for her number, and say you're going to be away for several months but would love to talk to her. Trust me, if she likes you, she'll love to hear that."

Reiner grins at you, "You know what? I will, your advice has been better than any of these guys."

"Well I'm not exactly forward with girls," Armin blushes, "Annie was the one who pursued me."

"Don't sell yourself short Armin," Eren grins as he playfully smacks Armin on the back. "From what I heard; it was a mutual approach."

Armin grins as he playfully punches Eren's arm, "Oh you heard that huh?"

The two close friends bust out laughing and head to get some drinks together as Jean takes Marco aside to chat with him, leaving you and Reiner to talk amongst yourself. You smile at each other warmly as Reiner shifts in his shoes.

"Thanks for the advice Rose, I wasn't joking, I'm definitely gonna take it..."

You nod as you smile, "Well, I'm glad to hear that. I want you to have someone to talk to. This tour will get pretty hectic and lonely at times."

Reiner nods thoughtfully before he looks at you intently. "You remember when I said I liked you that one time... at Eren's house party after we won the Battle competition?"

You nod and chuckle, "Wow, that party seems like a whole lifetime ago... that was the night before Eren and I got together..."

Reiner chuckles as well, "Yeah, it was. Do you remember me telling you that I liked you?"

You smile, "Yeah, I do... I was kind of distracted though, so I didn't really know how to respond..."

"Yeah, I believe you and Eren weren't on the best speaking terms, and it didn't seem like anything was gonna develop between you two... so I uhh... I was trying to build up the courage to ask you out, I guess when I first made that confession, it was gonna lead to asking you out on a date, but I choked out."

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