*Chapter 38: Playing Chicken

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The next morning Eren drives you to Levi's tea shop so you could grab your car and go to work. It's still where it had been parked the night before when you walked into Levi's shop fearing for your life.

"Next time you come here, park in the back alley so your car can't be spotted," he says as you gather your jacket and purse. You nod and unbuckle, sighing. "I'll pick you up at the office tonight."

"Thanks, Eren," you say weakly. "God, how long will this go on for?"

Eren smiles feebly. "I don't know... at least we have some sort of plan now."

You nod and smile. "I can't believe your friends are going to help me as much as they are."

"Well, they're your friends too babe, they care about you. Just keep your head down and do your work until we can get ourselves in the door. And look forward to the lakehouse."

You smile warmly at that. "It'll be so nice to have time with you away from this," you say dreamily. Eren smiles and leans into you, kissing you softly.

"I'll see you tonight baby," he murmurs.

"Yeah, I'll see you soon."

You get out of his car and get into yours and he drives off. You drive to the underground parking lot and get out of your car, scanning the parking lot for the burgundy Cadillac and thankfully don't see it.

You walk up to the elevator along with other colleagues, and you all ride up. The elevator gradually empties as you go higher and higher. On the 22nd floor, Porco gets on and you let out a low sigh of frustration as you regard each other. The last passengers get off on the 26th floor and you two stand in tense silence.

"How's your roommate?" Porco says flatly.

"I don't know, why don't you ask him yourself," you snap. "I'm sure he'd love to see you at the house again."

Porco scoffs but doesn't say anything. He gets out on the 32nd floor without another word and you get off on the 33rd. The same people, the same smells, the same sounds fill your senses as you walk to your desk, avoiding eye contact with everyone. You get to your desk and are relieved to see your work is still where you left it and your password still works.

You plunk away at everything, taking small breaks every now and then when the throbbing in your wrist gets to be too much. You look over at Candice's desk, missing her considerably. If only you had someone, anyone, in this department to turn to but no. You and Candice had been best work buddies, gone off to lunch together, and laughed at how much everyone else on your floor was dull and boring. Now you didn't even have that small comfort of friendship anymore.

You eat lunch at your desk as you work, desperate to get things done as quickly as possible so you can leave with Eren at a regular time. Onyankapon comes out of the elevator and smiles as he walks up to your desk.

"Hey you, it's been a long time," he laughs and you give him a small smile over your glasses.

"Heya, what can I do for you?"

"Well, there's a new rapper 40 Deuces coming in to record this afternoon. I was wondering if you wanted to get some work in? It's been quite some time since I saw you around the recording studio..."

You smile feebly and sigh. "I don't think so Onyankapon-san, I'm pretty swamped with work and Tengen said it has to be my top priority to get it done every day."

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