Chapter 54: The Key to Everything

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The plan to go to Limelight was put on the back burner on Thursday evening when you got a phone call. You were cooking dinner for the two of you while Eren was outside, swimming his laps, one of the rituals he relied on to destress after a long day. He had already spent an hour in the home gym as well, lifting the free weights and practicing his kickboxing, something he had picked up again after not doing the sport for some years.

Your phone rang and broke through the noise of the sizzling pans and the music on the radio and when you saw it was your brother, you answered it quickly.

"Heeeyyy you, long time, no speak," you laugh lightly.

"Hey baby sis, how are you doing tonight?"

"Oh, everything's going smoothly over here, we're still recording so I'm in the studio for about 8 hours a day now."

"Well good, I'm glad to hear you've cut back on your hours. And uhh how's your man?"

You laugh as your eyes trail outside to watch Eren in the pool, his muscular lithe body glistening from the golden light of the setting sun. "Oh, he's terrific, if not a little bit whiny, he's not the most enthusiastic when it comes to recording."

"Ahh well, it does sound pretty boring to me. I've uhh I've been filled in on the process."

"Yeah it can be, but you know... how is Auntie Grace? Did the transition go smoothly?"

"Yeah, real smoothly. The care home said it was the best for her to be here, close to family with the time she's got left... and uhh, I've got some news for you Rose..."

"News? What news?"

"Mmm I'm not gonna tell you over the phone. I tell you what, come to my retirement party. It's gonna be lowkey and at my house. Some of the family's coming in from the mainland to be there as well as Grace. You bring your man and Zeke if he wants to tag along, it'll be a nice private party."


"LaMarcus, why can't you just tell me over the phone?" you groan as you grab a towel to go flap it rapidly underneath the smoke alarm.

"Becaaause it's important that we see you okay? Now the party's on Saturday, can y'all try and make it out please?"

"Ugggh of course we can..."

"Great, kay I gotta run. I'll see you here on Saturday, bye." *CLICK*

You put your phone back on the counter, completely confused by LaMarcus' demeanour, which sounds nervous and a little edgy.

Eren comes inside as you're finishing off the pasta primavera and he audibly sniffs the air as he saunters over to you, with a towel hanging around his waist.

"Mmm that smells so good," he coos as he wraps his arms around you while you're leaning over the stove. "Thanks babe."

"Eren, you're soaking my back," you laugh. "Did you at least try to towel off before you came into the house?" Your eyes glance the small puddles of water trailing from the back doors to you. "Apparently not."

"Okay sorry, I just wanted to come give you a hug? Is that so wrong of me?"

"Nooo of course not," you smile as you and Eren shuffle across the counter to pour the pasta in a serving dish. When you finish, Eren presses his pelvis in you and kisses you hungrily on the neck. He reaches down to hold your abdomen, pressing you against him.

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