Chapter 81: Eurydice's Descent into Hell

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Come on, my star is fading

'Amsterdam' by Coldplay


You feel big hands wrap around your waist and mouth tightly. Your eyes blink in shock as you're pulled back from the door, into a pitch-black hotel suite and dragged over to the bed. Your fight or flight instincts suddenly kick in and you thrash and kick violently, trying to escape from your assailant's hands but he's far too strong.

You begin screaming into his hand, but your screams are completely muffled. You're spun around to face your assailant and your eyes widen in terror as you stare up at Tengen, wearing a velvet purple suit as he smirks down at you.

"Good evening Kitten, good to see you again," he coos fiercely before he shoves you down violently on the bed. You try and scream, but he quickly leans down to clap his hand over your mouth, smiling as his eyes sparkle in the dark.

"Don't try it Kitten, you really think that's a good idea?" He grins as he pulls out a golden-sheathed bowie knife to show you. "Don't make me get violent honey, not on this happy occasion," he smirks as he leans into the bed to bear his weight down on you through his hand.

You let out a choked groan in pain as he presses into you as your chest heaves in panic. Tengen tosses the knife down and out of reach before he turns to you and smiles.

"Congratulations baby, I hear you and that gutter snipe got married today. I can tell by your state of undress that you already consummated huh?" He leans down and licks your cheek as you shudder in disgust under his hand. "Well too bad Jaeger doesn't seem to understand that I've already got claim over you."

You instinctually try to beat your fists against him and try to shove him off you but Tengen laughs as he pulls back and smacks you so hard across the face, your head spins. You let out a soft sob as he reaches down again to pin your hands to the bed and leans in to whisper in your ear.

"Enough of that now Kitten, you just behave yourself if you know what's good for you."

There's a knock on the door and Tengen rises to tell the knocker to come in and two guys walk in, dressed in black turtlenecks and camouflage pants and carrying rifles. You recognize them immediately as members of Tengen's security detail and you murmur in shock, trying to make some sort of peep to let them know you're in danger but they don't even flinch as they see you pinned to the bed.

"Security detail's in place sir. We have guards posted on Floor 7, making sure no one leaves the floor until given the all-clear."

"Great," Tengen smiles as he keeps his eyes on you, watching as your eyes widen from the horrible realization. "Make sure it's locked down until we leave."

You gasp softly as you feel tears well in your eyes. "Leave?..." you whisper meekly, already knowing deep down what he means.

"Yes baby, you're coming back to Paradis with me. I've let you and Jaeger enjoy your little Marley love tour long enough, it's time to for you to return to your duties serving me. I told you I expected you to."

You shake your head as your chest heaves sporadically, "No... no, you can't do this! Please Tengen, please! We're married now, just leave us alone! I won't make trouble for you, I'll go, we'll both go far away! Please just let me go!" you sob and Tengen chuckles as he watches you.

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