*Chapter 52: Into the Woods With Him

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Once Eren's deemed you two are far enough away not to be heard from, he takes you and pushes you up against a tree. You let out a soft gasp as your back scrapes against the rough bark and go to readjust your position, but Eren's already pinned you against it, holding both your wrists above your head as he kisses you passionately. Your tongues glide together as you both moan in pleasure before Eren's overtakes yours to slide in your mouth. All the while you can both hear fireworks constantly going off, briefly lighting up the woods in vibrant hues of colours.

He presses his hard dick against your shorts, and you slide your legs apart so he can position himself better. He starts grinding himself against you and you break away from kissing him to let out a hungry moan. Eren grabs your face with his free hand and brings his lips onto yours once more. You both moan heavily into each other's mouths as Eren keeps grinding you before he lets go of your wrists and grunts slightly as he hoists you up. You pull your shirt off, freeing your breasts and begin rubbing them as Eren grinds into you even harder and he watches you with raw hunger. You sigh tantalizingly as you keep rubbing, your nipples going achingly hard and Eren lets out a soft groan and leans in to kiss them hungrily.

You gasp softly when he sinks his teeth into you and wrap your arms around his neck as you kiss his hair and forehead.

"Ohh Eren," you sigh, and he groans lustfully. He presses you further into the bark as he keeps pushing himself into you, his dick throbbing as it's teased again and again. You begin grinding your hips in time with his and you both moan filthily as you entice each other.

"Ohhh fuck Rose," Eren whimpers as he pops your nipple out of his mouth again and again. Your back arches as you feel your panties become completely soaked and you bite your lip hard as Eren's humping picks up speed. You dip your head back in agony as you keep being teased. He raises his head to hungrily kiss and bite at your outstretched throat and lets out a soft growl as he does.

"Ohh fuck me Eren," you whine pathetically. "I want your cock so bad."

"Yeah, you want me to pound your tight little pussy?" Eren groans as he grinds into you mercilessly.

"Yeah, please baby. I need you," you whimper as Eren pushes into you roughly.

"If you want it, you're gonna have to earn it," he groans in your ear and lowers you back to the ground.

He gives you one long and hungry kiss before he puts his hands on your shoulders and pushes you down onto your knees. You look up at him alluringly and bite your lip as you eagerly pull his jean shorts and boxers down for the second time tonight. You gasp softly as you look at his big throbbing cock, always taken back by how much you love looking at it, how much you worship it. He pulls his shirt off to stand naked before you and you rub your hands into his hardened abdomen. You massage it before your hands move down to caress and squeeze his sculpted ass.

You tenderly kiss the tip of his cock as your fingers squeeze into his ass needily to pull him in closer and he lets out a small gasp as he watches you intensely.

"You have no idea how much I love your cock Eren," you sigh happily as you look at him enticingly. He smiles down at you and caresses your cheek.

"I know baby, you're such a good little slut. Now open your mouth..." he says, his voice low and trembling. You do as he says, and he begins pumping his dick as he rubs his thumb across your lower lip. You moan seductively as you lick your lips and stare between him and his dick being pumped slowly but firmly. Eren slides his thumb in your mouth and presses down on your tongue.

"Open your mouth wider," he pants as his pumping pick up speed, "a little wider...good girl." He holds his dick and slides it into your mouth, groaning as he does. His girthy length fills every inch of your mouth and slowly makes its way to the back of your throat as you moan against it. Eren caresses your cheek again as he watches his cock slide out of your mouth before he firmly presses it back in. He rests his other hand against the tree as his pumps pick up speed and you begin rubbing his ass again, squeezing it as you filthily take his cock in your mouth again and again.

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