Chapter 64: Snow on the Grave

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Paradis Devil's debut album Too Much on My Mind comes out in early-December to rave reviews from fans and critics alike. It grabs the number one spot on Paradis' rock charts and several charts across the continent. It even manages to sneak its way into several critics' top albums of 2023, despite its late release.

When Levi calls the band in for a meeting after the first week of sales, you're all shocked to find out just how popular the album has become as it sits at number 2 on Paradis Island's Top of the Pops. You and the guys erupt in whoops and applause at the news and Eren grabs you and scopes you up in a hug as you laugh. He sits you down on his lap as he and the guys all chatter. Even Levi smiles as he looks over the documents on his desk.

"Feel proud of yourselves guys, you did a fantastic job," he says as he leans back in his chair and crosses his arms.

"Damn, I guess this means we'll get a pretty great reception on the tour then?" Reiner grins as he smacks Connie on the back.

"I would say so, yes, but still..." Levi says as he falls serious. "I'll remind you guys that we will be in Marley for the next three months. The continent is different than Paradis guys, Eldians aren't always given the best reception out there."

"Whaddya mean? I thought Eldians were fully assimilated in Marley and the other countries?" Jean asks.

"Well, we are for the most part but there are still pockets of people who don't take kindly to us, specifically the authorities... we have to go through extra security checks and some police forces look more harshly on our kind so keep out of trouble everyone. I'm talking to you Floch... Connie..." Levi turns to face you. "I assume you'll keep Eren in line as well, eh?"

You nod your head assuredly. "Don't worry, I'll make sure he behaves himself."

"Yes well moving on; we're in the final few days before we depart..."He clears his throat. "So, Erwin and I have been discussing a way to celebrate and we would like you and the rest of the brats in the group to come to our place on Saturday for an album launch and dinner."

"Whaaaat? The elusive Ackerman-sensei is letting us go inside his home?" Connie cackles. Levi shoots him a look and he shuts up.

"Yes we are letting you inside our house and you best behave yourselves or you will have Erwin to deal with, and me." 

Every one of you nods, "Yessir."


The time between then and Saturday seems to fly by for you as you and Eren spend time together in your house, savouring what little time you have left in it. On Saturday morning, you awaken on the couch, a throw blanket thrown over you and Eren's naked bodies as you're cuddled into his warm chest.

You sleepily peel yourself off at him and turn to the backyard doors and gasp at what you see. "Eren...Eren, wake up," you exclaim as you gently pat his cheek. He groans and wraps his arm around your waist and tries to push your head down on his chest. 

"Go back to sleep baby," he murmurs as you try and wiggle out of his grasp.

"Eren, it's morning! Come on, wake up and look outside," you say as you manage to free yourself from him and pull up your discarded panties before going to look out the window. 

The backyard is covered in snow, more snow than you've ever seen in Shiganshina at one time. You thank your past self for being smart enough to close off the pool once the chilly breezes of Shiganshina's rainy season started up last week. You rush upstairs to quickly change into a sweater and pajama pants and rush back down to look outside again as if you're a kid who just found out what a snow day is. You turn on the radio and blast it just in time for the DJ to come on.

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