*Chapter 41: The Demon and The Serpent

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The next morning you wake up early alone in your own bed and groan in pain as you bring your hand to your head. It's back, your headache is back. You reach for your reading glasses, hoping to alleviate your headache's accompanying eyestrain and head to the washroom to pop a tylenol and sip a glass of water. These headaches can be so fucking annoying.

They're nothing serious but you can't help but feel paralyzed by them nontheless. They pound your temples and all you can hear is a loud booming noise through them. A booming noise that seems to get louder and louder with each minute. You've known these headaches before, you've suffered through them since your childhood. You'd always get them during thunderstorms with lightning and you'd sob and crawl under your bed, holding your hands up to your ears to try and make the booms go away. They never fully did and now in this last week, they've come back. 

You sigh and rub your temples until the medication takes affect and the pains and the booms go away. You sigh as you throw some random clothes in a bag, just like Eren told you to. You put on a matching lilac bra and thong set and pull up a navy blue pencil skirt. You set to work putting your curls in an updo, buttoning up a polka dot blouse, and sliding into some kitten heel as you tiredly listen to the radio on your phone.

You drive to work, feeling more and more nervous the closer you get. You keep looking at your phone, wanting some reassurance from Eren that his plan is in effect. You walk through the parking lot and decide to shoot him a quick text.


I'm heading in luv, I'll see you soon.

You go up to the 33rd floor and walk up to your desk, still full of your paperwork from yesterday. You sigh as you sit down and turn your computer on to log in. A few minutes later, Eren sends you a text telling you he'll see you soon and your body relaxes in relief.

The day goes off without much incident. Tengen doesn't even walk in until well past lunchtime, and you make sure to keep your head down as he approaches your desk. He stands next to it, waiting for you to look up which you don't.

"Good afternoon, Miss Galliard-kun," he says cheerfully. You don't respond, and simply keep your bespectacled eyes on your screen as you type away. He shifts next to you. "Ahem... Kitten, I believe I have a jacket for you to hang up," he says teasingly.

"The coat rack's where it always is," you say flatly as you stare at the screen. "Hang it up yourself."

Tengen laughs lightly at that and keeps his coat with him as he opens his doors. "Ahh you're something else Kitten, don't forget 4 o'clock," he sighs as he walks into his office.


It's 3:14 and you start to feel the pounding in your chest grow more and more heavy as the hour draws near. God, where the hell is he? You stare at your phone anxiously for a text, hoping he's not stuck in traffic, but he hasn't sent anything since this morning.

You take a deep breath in and try to focus on your system filing tasks, keeping your eyes dead set on your screen, trying to avoid looking at the time in the corner of it. You keep your eyes on the screen when suddenly a pair of hands rubs both sides of your arms, and someone leans in to kiss you on the cheek. You tense up before you hear "Hey luv," come out of Eren's mouth.

You swivel in your chair to happily look up at him and he's looking handsome as ever with his hair down past his shoulders and sporting a red button up t-shirt and black dress pants with black boots. He has the top buttons undone, hinting at his chiselled pectorals and he's sporting an expensive watch. You look him up and down and grin.

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