Chapter 62: To Build A Home

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I built a home

For you, or me

Until it disappeared

From me, from you

'To Build A Home' by Cinematic Orchestra


A few days later, you and Eren dress professionally, while both your hearts beat erratically. Today, a final judgement will come down about your divorce and you're expected to be present to answer any lingering questions the court may have.

You help Eren again with his tie, your hands shaking nervously. He looks down at you softly, and places his hands on you gently, he's always gentle with your emotional well-being.

"It's gonna be alright babe, we'll get through this..." he says and kisses you tenderly on the forehead.

You two drive to the courthouse, completely silent in your collective anxiety. Eren holds your hand as he keeps his eyes on the road.

"The cabin is always there for us Rose, don't forget we have a way out of this, out of all of this." You nod and bring his hand up to your lips to kiss.

"I won't ever forget about cabin Eren, I'm ready to leave for there with you today if we need to..."

Eren smiles softly at you before turning to the road. Soon you arrive at the Shiganshina Courthouse and head inside to wait in the hall until the doors to the family law courtroom are opened to all petitioners as well as the public. As you and Eren hold hands to walk in, you hear your name called out and turn to see your lawyer Mr Pyxis approach you both. You all exchange bows and he nods to Eren before and turns to you.

"The judge will call your name to the stand if he decides that you need to answer any questions. He'll do the same for Mr. Galliard. You'll likely be cross examined by his lawyer so just answer truthfully. You have a good case and Mr. Galliard's already signed so I can't see what he'll still want to ask..."

You smile weakly and nod your head. "Thank you, Pyxis-sensei. I hope that is not the case, but I guess I have to do what needs to be done."

He nods and tells you he will be seated with the other lawyers in session and you and Eren nervously walk into the courtroom and find two seats in the bustling gallery. You both hold hands and you look around to see if you can find Porco but the section is too crowded with people to see his face. You fidget through the next hour and Eren taps his fingers on your knee. At one point he wraps an arm around your shoulder and takes your hand in his to squeeze tight and kisses you on the forehead as your case number is called.

Knowing you have to be presented to the judge, you and Eren exchange a quick smile as you unsteadily rise to your feet and walk to the plaintiff's table. Your name is presented to Judge Zackly by Mr Pyxis.

"This is Mrs. Rose Galliard, née Woods, who is petitioning for a formal divorce from her husband of 12 years, Mr. Porco Galliard on the grounds of irreconcilable differences. It's also been put on the record by both parties that Mr. and Mrs. Galliard have lived separately for the last three years."

Judge Zackly looks over your documents passively. "Is that correct Dok-kun?" Porco's lawyer Mr. Niles Dok clears his throat as he stands alone at his table. "That is correct Your Honor."

The judge raises his eyebrows to look over the three of you. "I don't like the idea of sanctified Eldian marriages being broken down. For the good of our heritage, it's impertinent to uphold each union, however I will consider granting the petition after I ask some questions Mrs. Galliard-kun. Where is your client Dok-kun?"

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