Chapter 20: Playing Her Piano

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No one knows me

Like the piano in my mother's home

'Like the Piano' by Sampha


You stare at the piles of remaining paperwork on your desk, and you can feel yourself go cross-eyed from the exhaustion. You had been working tirelessly all week long on reports and schedules and meetings for the whole A&R department, a whole new set of duties Tengen Uzui had dropped on you when you arrived in the office on Monday. For some reason, you can sense the level of work he expects you to take on rising, and with it comes a speedy drop in your music production training. You already had  so little time to shadow Onyankapon or Colt for an hour here and there before, now you don't even have that.

You sigh as you bring your fingers up to massage your temples before putting your reading glasses on again. Sometimes you wonder if you should just give up and wear them for good, clearly your eyesight's suffering from being parked in front of paperwork and computer screens most of every day.

"Hey Candice," you hiss out and receive no response. "HEY, Candice," you hiss louder as you turn trying to get her attention.

She looks up from her desk and gives you a hum in response.

"What are you working on right now? I could really use some help with this. I feel like I'm totally swamped."

Candice's eyes dart towards the closed doors leading to Tengen's office before she quickly gets up and briskly walks over to your desk. Her eyes bug out as she sees the mountains of paperwork you've been burdened with.

"He's got you doing ALL OF THAT?" she exclaims under her breath so no one can hear except you.

"Yeah, " you say back in a hushed tone. "Please can you help me? I'm totally swamped, I won't get out of here till late again tonight."

Candice grimaces and shakes her head, "Gurl, I'm sorry, I wish I could, but I can't. Uzui-sama said he expressly wanted you to do all of this and no one else."

"But why me? I've only got so much time in the day??"

She shrugs, not knowing what else to say and gives you a small supportive squeeze on the shoulder before  walking back to her desk.

You sigh in frustration, totally worn out and it's not even 3 yet. You miserably pick up another piece of invoicing that needs to be filed electronically and move back to typing.

After some time, Tengen buzzes your desk.

"Ahh Kitten, can you come here? I need to speak to you for a moment?" he says cheerfully into the intercom.

You hold the buzzer down and respond, "Of course Lord Uzui-sama."

You get up from your desk and smooth your skirt down and walk to the door, as Candice side eyes you from her desk. You open the doors and close them behind you. You bow to Lord Tengen before approaching him.

"What can I help you with sir?"

He's wearing a full three-piece suit, his white hair slicked back and in its signature ponytail. He's got his arms crossed and you can see even now the suit is a little tight on him. It's definitely not an accident, he loves to show off his body in his work clothes.

"Ahh Rose, just the girl I want to see. I have quite the task for you."

"Oh?" you say with some restraint. Oh god, what the fuck now? "I appreciate that so much Sir, but I'm already quite busy with the tasks you've set out for me."

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