Chapter 85: Live to Die Another Day

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I refuse to lose without a fight

'The Rumbling' by SiM


You wake up sleepily one morning, laying naked in bed after hearing the waves crash inside your head. You dreamt about being underwater again... you dreamt that you went underwater and fell asleep as the waves carried you far away only to wake up in a sea of stars. You stir and moan softly as an arm reaches for your waist and in your brain fog, a smile crosses your lips as you back yourself into him. You're back in bed with Eren as the glow of daybreak lights your room. In your mind, you see his gorgeous face glow in the warmth of the sunlight as he reaches for you. You lean in and kiss his lips softly, run your fingers through his long hair, splayed out on his pillow as he caresses your skin.

You break awake as you're suddenly jostled to reality by Tengen sliding inside you. His weight sinks into you and you groan lightly from the pain pushing you. Quietly going along with your moans and sighs, your eyes drift off to the window, see those waves from some miles away as they break into the beaches of Shiganshina. The waves, how you long to return to them.

You think of Eren, of seeing his face on tv only days earlier, how tired yet determined he looked. He must not have been getting that much sleep, but how could he? His insomnia was already rough at times, especially when he was away from you but now it must be so much worse.

You're rolled over and wince at the pressure pressing into your belly. Your skin is kissed and bit down on as you're rocked and you stuff your face into the pillow, trying to suppress your involuntary moans, the ones that escape you despite your disgust. This is what you hate the most; your body going against your free will and responding to him, which only excites him more. You feel your thighs widening instinctually, fighting your stiffness and he huffs and groans as he moves his arm to wrap around your waist to pull you up and closer to him. His other comes around your hair to grip at it as he picks up his pace, and you crush your face further into the pillow, desperate not to let your sounds out.

"Holy fuck, you're so wet for me Kitten," you hear him grunt and you shut your eyes in deep shame as you keep being jostled. You grip the bedding on either side of you as tight as you can, praying he keeps speeding up so he can finish this quickly.

You turn your face for some air and out of the corner of your eye, you see a figure... a figure you've seen lately during your worst moments. She stands and watches you one second and is gone the next. It's as if she's watching tv, watching your suffering through the screen before she flips to the next channel to see what else is on. You roll your face back into the pillow, flushing in a new shame.

You wince as you feel him groan loudly and shake as he pushes himself into you as much as he can until he's hitting your cervix. You feel your hair getting tugged to pull your face to the side and he leans into you and kisses you hungrily as he goes into you again and again before he groans loudly and spills inside you. You keep yourself still as he huffs and sighs happily, heavily catching his breath.

"Bet you your—your little Jaeger boy toy couldn't do all that huh?" he huffs and pants into your ear and kisses it before he pulls out of you. You're so stiff and numb, you don't even want to move. Only when you've recovered yourself, felt your own twitching cease, do you allow yourself to roll to your side, face out the window again, staring at those distant waves. You let out a yelp as you feel yourself being rolled over as Tengen sits on his knees on the bed and grabs your ankles to bring you closer to him.

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