*Chapter 67: Paradis Devils in Marley

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The plane flies over Marley several hours later and you sigh as you put your work and the band's itinerary of the next few days back into your bag. Two concerts, 5 separate interviews for the press junket, and a music video shoot, and this is all just in the span of the next three days. Then you'll be afforded a tiny break for Christmas than on the road for a full seven days of back-to-back concerts across the Marleyan continent. You shift in your seat as you smooth out your sheer blouse and pencil skirt under your heavy trench coat before you lean over to gently shake Eren awake as he lays sprawled out in his seat. He snorts comically as he awakens and yawns loudly enough to wake Levi who lifts his sleep mask to look at Eren with a raised eyebrow.

You sigh heavily as you sip your small cup of plane coffee and lay back into your seat as the plane begins to circle around Liberio.

"Mmm how long was I out?" Eren groans as he rubs his eyes.

"I'd say just over 4 hours," you murmur as you rub your eyes.

"Did you get much sleep?"

You shake your head, "No, I only dozed off for 20 minutes. I couldn't sleep any longer than that..."

Eren nods slowly and rubs his hand over his face sleepily. "How are you gonna get through today babe?"

You shrug, "I'll just have to drink a lot of coffee I guess."

The plane touches down as the cabin buzzes with conversation. Everyone in your party chats about the oncoming concerts, and the holidays, the fact you'll be spending Christmas in a hotel before you hit the road.

Once the plane comes to a full stop, the doors are opened and you all yawn and stretch as you stand. The pair of Player Beat representatives, Ben and John come up to you to say they will meet you all at the hotel once the rest of you have gone through customs.

"Do you not have to as well?" you ask with a raised eyebrow.

"We do, but we're not Eldian so the process will be much faster for us," Ben says flatly before they leave the plane.

You turn to face Eren who gives you a raised eyebrow. "What the hell does that mean?" he asks, and you sigh.

"You're about to find out Eren."

You all disembark and walk into the crowded Liberian City airport and make your way over to customs. There's a special section specifically for so-called Subjects of Ymir and you're all ushered towards it by a Marleyan security agent who gives you all a suspicious look.

All your bags are checked by several Marleyan agents who take extra precautions to scrutinize every item each of you carry. Connie's chargers are almost thrown out, and a ton of your makeup is tossed out. Eren's parents' wedding bands are given an extra measure of inspection and he's interrogated about their value.

"He doesn't know their value, they're a family heirloom," you try to explain before you're told to be quiet and mind your own bags. You can see Eren getting angrier with each question, but this is just the start.

Next, you and the gang, along with other Eldian flight passengers who have arrived are all taken to tables with paperwork and computers and more Marleyan agents. You're all asked to give your names, the names of your parents, your addresses, and Eldian racial status. You're personally questioned harshly as a half-Eldian, and you have to give your father's information as well, despite the fact that he's deceased and Trinidadian. Finally, you're all expected to give mandatory blood samples for Marleyan records.

"It's just a security measure, it goes into our Eldian data bank, no reason to concern yourselves," one of the bored agents says as he pricks Jean's finger.

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