Chapter 66: Last Step on Paradis

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A/N: Hope all of you are doing well! I want to apologize for the infrequency of my updates, i've been struggling with real life stuff and to be honest, it sucks writing out the last chapters of this story, i hate that it's coming to an end. Especially since i'm writing them while coping with their serious subject matter and still processing how mentally draining the AOT finale was, especially as a fanfic writer (Zeke's scene broke me) 😭💔 i'll try and update at my regular times but i can make no promises going forward. With that said, please enjoy this chapter, let me know what y'all think


The both of you return to your house later that day, your hands wrapped securely around Eren's waist as he rides the both of you back on his prized motorcycle. He pulls up and parks on the driveway, sighing as he removes his helmet and rubs his whiskers. His hair has come loose in his helmet, and he pulls it up quickly to rewrap in a manbun.

"Zeke's gonna bring her up to the cabin in a few days, I can't believe I'll be without her for 3 months," Eren sighs as he holds his hand lovingly on the bike. 

You hop down and caress your hand against the steel frame. "Don't worry too much babe, she'll be waiting for us at the cabin when we get there." 

Eren smiles sadly and nods. "Yeah, it's hard to believe this place is about to be closed up," he says as he looks up at your house and you nod in agreement. 

"Yeah, I guess we gotta take it in for the next few hours before Zeke comes and picks us up."

You head inside and upstairs as Eren stays downstairs to collect a few more things for his bags. You're packing the rest of your suitcases when Eren comes up, holding a manila envelope, a big grin on his face. You smile at him as you wrap a small towel around your makeup bag to cushion it. 

"What have you got there?" you ask and Eren smirks as he comes over to you and wacks you on the arm with the envelope. 

"Take a look, these came in the mail while we were gone."

You take the envelope and reach inside to discover it contains photos, photos of you and Eren, the ones taken during Eren's interview with Heads and Tails Magazine. There must be at least 13 photos and you gasp softly as you see them and lay down on your bed as you go through them. 

"Eren, these are fantastic," you smile as you shuffle through them and Eren plops down next to you. You hand him each picture to look over as well. "Ahh, I love this one," you say as you show Eren.

 It's the one with him holding you from behind, his chin nestled into your shoulder as you press your foreheads together and stare at one another. Eren grins as he takes the picture.

 "These are all really good," he says as he spreads out the photos on the bed. "We could easily use these for our engagement pictures,"

You laugh at the suggestion and crook your head as you both look down at the pictures. "I think we should take these up with us. I'd love to put together a picture book as a potential wedding gift..."

"Ahh, I was hoping you'd get me tickets to Foo Fighters or something," Eren winks at you. You grin back and flick his nose playfully before caressing his whiskered cheeks. 

"Nooo baby, we're gonna be doing humble gifts."

"Humble gifts huh?"

"Yeah, humble gifts for a humble backwoods wedding," you say as you pick up the pictures to put back in the envelope and toss on top of your opened luggage case.

"I guess that makes sense," Eren says as he looks down at his ring as you get up to zip up your bag. "I never thought I'd be getting married out in the woods Rose."

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