Chapter 31: Anger Rising

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You both arrive home later that night much happier than when you left. Ignoring what happened earlier, Eren had decided on the fly to take you out to dinner at a pub not far from the mall and you had spent it joking about the band's exploits and talking about Eren's friends who he hadn't seen much since they were now back in school full-time.

"I just got a crazy idea," you smile as you dip a sweet potato fry into your chipotle mayo sauce. "We should invite your friends over on Saturday night, for a celebration for Paradis Devils."

"Really? Eren says as he takes a swig of his beer. "You'd wanna do that?"

You shrug. "Sure, why not? We've got the space for it."

"Yeah, but what if we don't win?"

"Eren, you've already won. How many times do I have to tell you that? Whether you win the competition or not, labels will be lining up the block to work with you."

Eren grins and steals one of your fries, biting into while staring straight at you. "Okay, what the hell? I'll start calling people up. We can finally get some use out of that pool."

"Call up everybody, we'll make it an honest to god house party," you grin.


The next day, you two go about your regular routines. Eren wakes up early to use the gym equipment as you busy yourself with balancing your chequebook and making French toast. He comes in, sweaty and shirtless, and smells the air, letting out a loud sigh of contentment. Eren walks up behind you as you labour over the stove and gives you a bear hug, his sweaty forehead and hair digging into your shoulder.

"Ugh, Eren, go shower before you sweat all over this frying pan!" you giggle as you claw at your hot turtleneck.

You two have breakfast before Eren gets up to leave for Floch's place where the band will be practicing for most the day. He playfully sticks his tongue out for you before he leaves, showing you the diamond sitting perfectly in the middle with minimal swelling. 

"HOR IT LOC?" he asks comically with his mouth wide open. 

"Good, " you grin as you shut his mouth, "you've already healed so quickly. Lemme know what the guys think of it." He grins and takes off, saying he'll see you tonight.

You settle into garden work, and take a dip in your pool, relaxing as you leisurely float in the clear blue water. You then go for a run on the treadmill before doing some breathing exercises on the yoga mat in the gym. Despite the circumstances that led to this week-long break, you have come to enjoy the time you've had away from that office and its bullshit. You can't be happier to be away from Porco and Tengen and feel like you're actually enjoying life again.

You've bonded immensely with Eren and you're doing things you never get a chance to do because you always work 10–12-hour shifts. You feel free. You've decided that you'll return to the office bright and happy and do your work for Tengen while you think about what you'll do moving forward.

As for Tengen, that route's a lot less clear. You thankfully haven't heard from him, but you know you'll have to see him again soon. Will have to talk to him, hear his smarmy self-assured voice speak your name. Your heart beats a little quicker as you hear his voice in your head.

I want you and if I can't have you, I'll make things very difficult for you

But he had had you, what more could he want? He couldn't possibly want you again after what he did to you in that hotel room? Maybe he'd ignore what went down between the two of you, if that was at all possible. Maybe if you asked him calmly and politely, he'd drop everything with you and just let you go back to being his secretary. Or maybe he'd demote you, tell you to get out of his sight and go back down to the third floor where you started. Would that be a bad thing though? He'd rarely if ever see you again.

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