*Chapter 80: Star-Crossed Lovers

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She said she gave all her love to me,

We dreamt a new life, 

Some place to be at peace

'Call Your Name' by Hiroyuki Sawano


Very early in the morning, you both wake up, completely entwined in each other's arms and Eren kisses you longingly and slips into you one more time as you both stir from your deep and peaceful sleep. When you finish, Eren sits up and rests his arm behind his head as he leans against the headboard while you cuddle on his chest, still damp with sweat.

"We should call Zeke, tell him the good news," Eren murmurs after a while.

"Mmm we should," you agree as you yawn, checking the time and realizing it's only 7am. "We haven't had a chance to call him since we told him about the baby, he'll be over the moon."

"Still though..." Eren whines gently as he lightly runs his fingers up and down your arms. "I hate him not being here to join..."

Eren's eyes light up and he quickly goes to call his brother. "No Eren, wait till later," you protest, "it's still really early in Shigan—"

"Hello?! Zeke?" Eren says quickly as he puts him on speaker phone.

"Mmm Eren," you hear Zeke gruffly yawn on the phone. "What the fuck? Do you have any idea what time it is here..."

"Zeke, shut up! Listen, me and Rose are getting married! Here in Lucerne, it's an Eldian city in the Marleyan Mountains! Can you book a flight out before this evening!" Eren says excitedly fast.

Zeke groans as he struggles to process what Eren's telling him and sighs as he gets on his laptop.

"Mmm..." he mumbles as he plunks away, "there's a flight headed for Lucerne at 10 this morning, I can be there by 2..."

"Great! We'll pick you up from the airport! Book it while we're on the phone!"

Zeke groans in protest and plunks some more. "There, booked. Can I go back to sleep?"

After Zeke hangs up, Eren grins as he slips off the bed and carries you to the bathroom to shower and pamper you, telling you he wants to take extra care of you today of all days. You both sigh happily when you emerge from the bathroom later, dried off, and head for your dresser to grab your clothes. You think as you pull up your own jeans, and Luna purrs as she slides between your feet. 

"I just realized something Eren, isn't it bad luck to see the bride on her wedding day before the ceremony?"

Eren's eyes widen as he grins, "Welp... it's probably not a good idea to fuck her either huh?"

You both laugh as Eren pulls you in for an embrace and kisses you. "So... maybe I should take off for the day then?" you ask and Eren shakes his head adamantly. 

"Oh no, I'm taking you out to breakfast then we have to be somewhere for 10."

"Wait, what do you mean somewhere?" you ask perplexed.

"It's a surprise baby, you'll see when you get there," Eren grins. "We'll spend the morning together and if you want, you can come with me to pick up Zeke at 2."

"Mmm no, I'd like to spend the afternoon finding my dress before Zeke and the guys get here."

"Your dress? Can I come if you wait for me to get back?"

"No you may not Eren." you scoff playfully.

"Awww," Eren groans, "Come on, why not?

"Becauuuse I want it to be a surprise," you laugh. "Come on Jaeger, let me have one small wedding thing. No bridesmaids, no reception, no one to walk me down the aisle...again" you pout as you look up at him and he sighs and grins. 

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