Chapter 48: Historia's Lake House

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The two of you roar down the highway in the open top convertible, the wind wiping through both of your hair and the sun shining down on both of you. After a good hour, Eren puts the top back up so he can put the radio on. You listen to Shiganshina's POWER 98.9, the local rock station, and Eren sings along to almost every song as you grin and listen to him.

At one point, he exclaims in delight when How Soon is Now? by The Smiths comes on and sings along to Morrissey's pleading wails for love, his hand reaching out across the seat for your knee. You smile as he grips and massages you, his hand slowly sliding up your thigh. You put your hand on his as he continues singing along and he looks over at you with his shades and grins as he gives your inner thigh a good squeeze.

"Mmm shouldn't go any further than that," he laughs and takes his hand back and you let out a groan of agony.

"Couldn't you have reached up a little more?" you pout.

"No Rose, I'm trying not to get too excited while I'm driving. Besides," he looks over again and smirks, "I've got a bet to win."

You sigh, "Actually Eren, I've been thinking... maybe we should call off the bet. It was made when I was pissed off at you, and it's stupid to deny ourselves when we're gonna be away for three days to relax."

Eren grins as he keeps his eyes on the road. "You're not getting off that easy Woods." He turns and smirks again at the double entendre behind his aviator shades.

"Oh, come on Eren, you're gonna deny the both of us sex over a stupid petty bet?"

"Hey, I asked if you were sure," Eren laughs as he again reaches across to rub your inner thigh. "You said you were, no backing down now..." He thinks on it for a minute. "Well I mean... you could back down now if you really want to," he smirks and opens his legs slightly, "but you'd be keeping very quiet this weekend."

"What do you mean?" you ask as you bite your lip slightly looking down at his legs spread open.

"Mmm well you'd be keeping your mouth shut all weekend except when spoken to," he says as his hand once again reaches across to hold onto your thigh.

You scoff at that, "That's a little much Eren." You cross your arms and side eye him as you drive through the deep black forests surrounded by mountains.

Eren shrugs. "Well I mean, how badly do you want out of this bet?" he asks as his hand on your inner thigh slides deeper and his fingers brush your panties, stirring from his touches.

You fight your inner urge to climb over the seat that instant and pull his hand away from you and place it in his lap. "I changed my mind, I'm not about to let you win this thing."

Eren busts out laughing. "Like I've said Rose, you don't know when to stop. One day that stubbornness of yours is gonna get you in a lot of trouble with me."

"Last I checked, you're just as stubborn Eren," you roll your eyes behind your sunglasses. "Zeke didn't call you pigheaded for nothing."

"Mmm that's true," Eren says as he starts tapping his fingers in rhythm to a new song playing. "I guess may the most stubborn of us win."

You eventually pull off the highway and drive through a national park that leads you to a series of large cottages owned by some of Paradis Island's most affluent families.

"We're deep in 1% territory," Eren jokes as he drives through a series of winding roads and regards the size of the properties.

"Yeah I can see that," you laugh. "I'm surprised your family cottage is so small compared to what you could've got."

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