Chapter 32: The Demon of Shiganshina

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The rest of the week feels like a blur to you. You and Eren still speak but you can tell there's a small distance forming between you, a distance that feels like some sort of horrible omen. On Friday morning, Eren walks up to your room and knocks on the wide-open door frame. You're still asleep and stir when he knocks.

"Hey, sorry for waking you," he says as he slowly walks in.

"It's okay," you yawn and stretch, before rubbing your eyes and face. "What's up?"

"I... I wanted to ask you a favour," Eren broaches hesitatingly. "Can you uhh... can you bring my outfit to the concert tonight? I don't want it to get dusty from the van or something."

"Mmm, that's gonna be hard to coordinate with me being in the crowd," you say before yawning loudly.

"Well, I guess I can get you backstage for the whole thing," Eren mumbles as he sits down at the edge of your bed, clearly uneasy.

You nod slowly, feeling groggier than you usually do. "Yeah, I guess that would work. What time do you need it?"

"We go on at 10 so show up before then."

"I'll try and get there no later than 8," you say as you stretch once again. Your eyes open a little more as you realize what the day entailed. "Eren, you're performing for the win tonight, can you believe it's finally happening?"

Eren shifts as a small smile forms on his face. "No, not at all. I feel like I gotta constantly pinch myself. I just can't believe by tonight, the future for us is gonna change completely."

You both smile somewhat awkwardly at each other. "I'm so happy for you and the guys, you've worked so hard for this..." you say gently.

"Yeah, we really have," Eren sighs as he gets off the edge of the bed and walks to the doorway. "I'm off, I gotta be at Levi's by 11. He's gonna have us do a sauna day as a way to focus and relax before soundcheck at 5."

"Okay, well enjoy yourself, and say hi to the guys, I'll see you tonight." Eren gives a little wave and heads out.

You spend the day relaxing, knowing tomorrow you'll be busy preparing for the house party you and Eren are throwing. Eren had let the core friend group know but word got out and it seemed like the place would be packed tomorrow, much to your concern. But you said you were throwing a party, and well, you were gonna throw a party.

Around 6pm, you hop in the shower to get ready for the show. Eren texts you while you're busy, and you read his message while dripping all over the bathroom rug.


Hey, need you to bring some makeup as well, I lost my eyeliner :S

You chuckle to yourself at the random request and make a note to bring him not just eyeliner by some eyeshadow as well. You dry yourself off and decide to leave your long deep red curls loose and travelling down to your shoulder blades. You go in the closet and pull out Eren's outfit, safely zipped into a dry-cleaning bag. For yourself, you slip into your off-shoulder black top and low-rise jeans, topping off the look with high heeled boots. You put on your glasses and make sure to slip some flats in your purse as you slip out the door.

You drive into the parking lot of Shiganshina's Cultural Arena and grab your purse and Eren's dry-cleaning bag and walk up to the backstage entrance. The security guard checks your ID and for your name and waves you through and you walk down the corridor till you come to the backstage entrance bustling with roadies and stage techs. You look out for the dressing room Eren said he and the guys would be in and when you come across it, you knock loudly before walking in.

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