*Chapter 79: Say We'll Get Married

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Why would i become his wife?

Maybe because he makes you feel alive

'Come Home With Me' from Hadestown


Eren and you bring Luna home and open the lid of her kennel immediately so she can get out and explore. 

"I'm just so happy we'll be at this hotel for the next week and a half Eren, I would hate to have to shuffle her from hotel to hotel," you say as you watch her walk around the room, sniffing curiously at everything.

"That's right and now she can keep you company here for a few nights..." Eren says as he draws you in by the waist and you look up at him inquisitively. 

"What do you mean by that?"

He sighs as he kisses your head, "Well, Levi had a meeting with the label reps during our show. The label's adding some shows on top of what we're already doing, so there will be some nights where I won't be able to come home."

"Well that's absolutely ridiculous," you scoff. "They can't do that."

"They can and they did, you know they want all the money they can squeeze out of us." You moan in discomfort; it was one thing when Eren came home late at night. It's another for him not to come home at all.

"I don't like it Eren, I don't like the idea of sleeping in this hotel room all alone all night. I should just come." Eren shakes his head as he watches the cat get comfortable on the armchair. 

"No babe, you can't come. You know what the bus rocking does to your nausea."

"Who cares about my nausea Eren. I don't want to sleep here alone."

"I know Rose," he says as he turns you around and kisses you again. "I know it's scary being here by yourself all day and all night and that's why I bought you Luna. She'll keep you good company, I know she will. Besides you've got to put your health first. You've been so sick lately, you need to just stay and rest. Think of the baby Rose."

"This isn't fair Eren! I want to come with you," you whine, knowing you've already lost the argument.

"No. Stay. Take care of the baby and the cat Rose. You can't just leave her here alone; she needs you here to bond with her."

You sigh as you look at the cat and smile, "I hate when you're right. Okay fine. Go have fun without me."

"Please, you know I won't," Eren groans as he strips naked and climbs into bed. You take the water bowl you bought and fill it up and put it on the floor next to the dresser for Luna before you turn to see her looking at you intensely once more.

"Hey, you want some water? It's right here," you say as you gesture at the bowl. She doesn't move, just keeps looking at you and you smile at her before heading over to the bed to strip down as well. Eren's already asleep, completely exhausted and you slip into bed next to him and turn off your light. You see Luna's eyes glow violet as she comes to you to stare up at you and purr. You sigh as you tap your lap, "You might as well come up and keep me company, Eren's already asleep."

Without another second, Luna jumps up on your lap and licks your fingers enthusiastically. You giggle as you feel her rough tongue on your skin and pull your hand away. "Ok that's enough, Mommy has to sleep too," you yawn loudly as if triggered by your own words. You moan as you scoot down to nestle into your feather pillow as Luna keeps staring at you. She purrs even louder and paws at your arm. You smile at her and lazily pet her ears and she nuzzles your palm before she kneads her paws into your swelling belly.

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