*Chapter 33: Avoiding Eren Jaeger

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The decision from the judges table is unanimous, Paradis Devils has won the Battle of the Bands. The crowd goes absolutely wild as their name is read and you somehow feel like everything goes quiet for you as Eren and the guys react to being called out. They scream and cheer and hug each other before going up and bowing and shaking hands with the judges and once again with the competing bands.

Everything seems to happen in slow motion for you. Eren Jaeger has won, Eren Jaeger's dream has come true, Eren Jaeger is a certified rockstar. The other bands exit through the wings you're standing in and you clap them off as they smile, bow, and walk by. The judges walk up to the winning band and present them with a golden record award, and a giant cheque for $25,000 before the Emcee takes the mic to announce to the audience that Paradis Devils will now be going on tour after their next album drops with one of the event's participating record labels, and official dates will be posted in the upcoming weeks. The audience roars in cheers and applause and screams for an encore before the energy dies down as they begin to leave.

Levi stands beside you, a small grin etched into his face. "You must be so proud of them right now," you say as you look over at him. He crosses his arms. 

"I am proud of each and every one of them. They've really come up from being the school brats who'd play in the music room at lunch time. They sneak in performances and kids would sneak in to watch them. They'd make such a mess of the place, but they'd get the end of my boot if they didn't clean up afterwards."

"So, you've always managed them," you laugh as you watch Eren, grinning from ear to ear as he speaks with the judges. Scores of media begin coming on the stage, reporters calling for comments from the guys as they swarm in, camera crew recording them as well.

"I have," he laughs. "I've been watching out for them all this time and seen them grow from kids to men. Men who can take care of themselves and the people they love..." his voice trails off and you two stand in silence, not needing his elaboration. You stare at Eren again, he's happily speaking into one reporter's microphone. You feel like you're watching him through a one-way window.

You shift and clear your throat. "Can you wish Eren and the guys well for me? I'm feeling beat, I need to go home."

Levi nods and shoots you a small smile. "I will. Thank you, Rose, have a good night."


You go straight to bed when you get home and doze off immediately. You dream of the kiss you two shared, all the kisses you've shared, his lips brushing against yours as you stare into each other's eyes. The way your breaths became one as he stared into your soul with those intense green eyes of his. You dream of lying under your tree together, kissing each other time and time again. You reach out for him and stir awake as your hand falls down on the pillow next to you.

You groan softly as you process that it's still dark out. You reach under your pillow and pull out your phone to look at the time. It's 1:45am and there's a series of messages from Sasha, Mikasa, and Frida, all gushing about how good the show was.

You sigh and move to lie on your back, your eyes staring at the ceiling fan running in a hypnotic circular motion. You wonder what time Eren got in, you didn't hear the door open or movements downstairs. You can't get his kisses out of your head, you haven't since you got home. You raise your hand, and your fingers softly caress your lips as you think back to them; the kiss on stage, the kiss under the tree, the kiss on his motorcycle, on the beach. You close your eyes, your mind racing back to these moments; the way his hands wrapped around you every time as if to say he didn't want the moment to end. The way you kissed each other like two long-lost lovers on his motorcycle. The way he twirled you around on stage before kissing you. The way your arms wrapped around his neck, as if it was the most natural thing in the world. 

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