*Chapter 57: Demon in the Cathedral

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Touching you makes me feel alive

Touching you makes me die inside

'Slept So Long' by Jay Gordon


A few hours later, you're woken up by Eren coming into your room and calling your name. You snort loudly as you groggily wake to see Eren hovering over you. He's changed into his black denim pants and he's only wearing the long black coat over his bare sculpted chest that's bruised in the middle. He's still decked out in his key necklace, rings, his regular silver helix bands, and his black plugs. He's wearing thick eyeliner around both eyes, with the black bruising over one already beginning to fade. In fact, his swelling has come down completely and he's cleaned up his nose and mouth to the point that they're barely noticeable. His hair is back up in his manbun as he looks down at you reproachfully.

"Get up Rose," he says coolly, and you look over to see the time's 11:30pm.

"Eren," you groan as you wipe your eyes. "What's going on, why are you dressed up like that?"

"Because we're going out."

"What? No, I'm not going anywhere with you," you scoff as you cuddle back into your pillow.

"Oh yes you are," Eren huffs as he grabs you and pulls you out of bed before striding over to your closet, turning on the light inside and tossing the red lace dress laying on the ottoman onto the bed. "I need to go out and blow off steam and I want you to come."

"Eren," you sigh heavily as you sit back down on the bed, "can we not just stay home and talk? We can go for a walk or sit by the pool—"

"I'm done talking, I'm not talking anymore today Rose. Get up or I'll go without you and who the fuck knows what'll happen." Eren says as he rifles through your shoes and grabs a pair of red heels and tosses them on the bed as well. "Wear these."

"What, are you planning to fight someone when you get there?" you say in disbelief as you get off the bed. Eren shrugs and goes to your vanity to grab some of your makeup.

"Either fight someone or fuck someone, all I know is I feel suffocated in this fucking house. I need to get the fuck out of here." He brings over some red lipstick, eyeliner, and mascara. "I don't want you in anything else, leave your hair as it is. I'll be in the car; you have five minutes."

You scoff in disbelief, completely stunned by what he's saying as he storms out of the bedroom, down the stairs, and out the door, slamming it behind him. You scramble to get a pair of black panties on before sliding the sleeveless short dress over your head. You frantically apply the makeup in your mirror and grab some cash and ID out of your wallet and put them in a small purse along with your phone. You rush down the stairs and slide into the red heels before opening the door to see Eren's car lights flooding your front yard.

You huff and walk over and climb in and Eren immediately backs out as you close your door. He takes off at full speed down the quiet neighbourhood as you settle into your seat and stare out the window.

 "How far is this place Eren?"

Eren doesn't say anything as he keeps driving, picking up speed as he enters the ramp that heads onto the Shiganshina highway. He turns on the radio and puts on the aux that connects to his phone and blasts Tool's Lateralus album at high volume. You reach over to turn the music waaay down and Eren glares at you and turns it all the way back up.

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