*Chapter 74: Just Like Heaven

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That same night, you and Eren arrive home, kicking off your shoes and anxious to get out of your trench coats, melted snow soaked into the wool. Eren hangs up both coats as you get on the bed, fully clothed in your blood-red dress, sitting against the headboard as you marvel at your wedding ring. Eren comes in and seeing you on the bed, he grins and rests a hand on his corset as he walks over and gets on the bed next to you. He sighs heavily and takes your hand and brings it to his lips to kiss.

"Eren, when did you even find the time to get a new engagement ring?" you ask as you bring your hand back down to look at it once more, a big grin on your face. Eren pulls up his sleeves and crosses his arms as he looks down at it as well.

"Well I kind of went and bought it when we were at Lake Cuomare, when you were with your aunt."

You look at him and he blushes and gives you a sheepish smile. "You did that when I told you to go shopping?" you ask and Eren nods.

"I did, I wanted to buy you a real engagement ring. Something I knew actually suited you."

You smile as you hold your finger in your hand, letting your thumb caress the large Eldian diamond. "You're right, this one suits me so much more, it's gorgeous... Thank you Eren," you murmur as you smile at him and lean into his lips to kiss him softly. You pull away and sigh as your gaze returns to it. "But the wedding ring... Eren are you sure?"

"Of course I'm sure," Eren says as he takes your hand and rubs his thumb over it. "I've been married to you since the moment I saw you on the beach Rose." He kisses your hand once more, slowly this time.

"You know," you say and grin as your fingers play with his, "you did see me in the coffee shop before you saw me on the beach Eren, yet you never mention it? Why is that?"

Eren thinks about it and furrows his brow as if he's trying to remember your very first encounter. "I... I don't know Rose. I know I thought you were really cute in that coffee shop but I dunno, it didn't click that day."

"But 'it' clicked on the beach?" you ask as Eren yawns and bends and lays his head down on your lap, loosening his white tie and resting his hand on his corset. You caress his face as he looks up at you dreamily.

"Yeah it clicked the very next day, I remember seeing you and the purple of your bikini and then I saw this flash and suddenly I could see us together, getting married, having kids. It's like I had experienced it already and I was remembering it."

"So you experienced future memories of us as you saw me run past you?" Eren slowly nods and looks up into your eyes, his own pleading with you.

"Please don't call me crazy for that babe, not tonight."

You shake your head silently, "No baby, no one's calling you crazy...you just fell in love at second sight..." you keep caressing Eren's face and think about what you're going to say next. "Maybe.... that day in Lake Cuomare, my aunt saw something to you that no one can see, no one living at least..." Eren gives you puzzled look, and you begin rocking his head a little. "Maybe you have the second sight..."

"Huh?" Eren looks comically confused and you laugh and lean yourself down to kiss him.

"The second sight; you know, you can see things that haven't happened yet."

Eren nods his head and thinks on this, "Maybe that's why I've always had these weird dreams and insomnia."

"You haven't had insomnia for quite some time," you laugh as you keep cradling his head and he smiles and shakes his head no.

"Not since we started going out I haven't. That first night we were together, I got the best sleep I ever had in ages."

"Well, to be fair, we did wear each other out," you grin mischievously and Eren laughs.

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