*Chapter 70: Ego Death

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You and Mikasa both link arms as you head back to the hotel together. You look up as you both walk down the street and watch as some snowflakes gently fall down the from the cloudy night sky.

"I gotta say, for someone who loves summer, I kinda love the snow and cozy atmosphere we got here."

"Yeah? I feel like I'd really love winter," Mikasa laughs, "I feel like I'd love skiing or skating."

"Ohhh yeah! I've always wanted to try skating," you giggle. "We should try and do it while you're out here, we'll make a date out of it."

"Should we invite the guys?"

You shake your head, "Hmm I don't know, maybe ask me when I'm not as pissed off at Eren."

"Well we could always go on our own, maybe we should go sightseeing at Odiha when we arrive there in a few days." Mikasa smiles warmly at you and your arms tighten around each other.

"I'd like that," you smile back.

You both arrive at the hotel and head into Mikasa, Jean, and Connie's room to watch tv together as you laugh and chat. You both end up watching Spiderman: Across the Spiderverse as you wait for Levi to message you about dinner. You browse your phone about things to do in Odiha and point out a there's a canal that lets people skate on it to Mikasa who enthusiastically grins and nods.

"Yeah, let's go for it," she giggles.

You both are winding down and getting quiet when you get a text from Levi at 10 that he's coming home to crash but the rest of the guys are having dinner at a nearby tavern.

"Ugggh no, I'm ready to crash," Mikasa wrinkles her nose as she pulls out her own phone. "I'll text Jean to ask him to bring me something to eat." You grin as you roll off her bed.

"Ohh come on, are you sure? You can come and watch me give Eren the cold shoulder, get some type of satisfaction out of it ..." Mikasa thinks on it seriously and grins.

"Actually yes, I'd like to come see this."

"Come on, you can come watch him get a taste of the shit show he's gotten himself into," you laugh as you slip back into your boots. You and Mikasa laugh as you link arms once more to walk down the street, joking as you do.

You arrive at a tavern and see the guys all in a circular table together, chatting as a server brings them a round of drinks. Eren's laughing with Floch as he drinks from his pint. He's changed into a deep green sweater with his black plugs still in his ears, his eyes are still ringed in thin eyeliner and his hair is still hanging in the manbun it was styled into for the music video.

The two of you unlink arms and Mikasa goes to sit next to Jean, giggling as he gives her a kiss on the cheek. You notice there's a seat empty between Eren and Reiner and go sit down in it, coolly regarding Eren. He looks over at you and kisses you on the cheek.

"Hey baby, how was shopping?"

You look at him narrowly, "I didn't shop Eren, I went for a walk. How was the rest of the shoot?"

Eren grins widely, "Really fucking good, the director thought we looked fantastic."

"You and the guys?"

"Nah... well yeah them too but he told me and Paula that we were really fucking fantastic. He said it was giving Chris Issak Herb Ritts vibes, whatever the fuck that means..."

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