Chapter 78: Late Night Hadestown

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A runaway from everywhere she'd ever been,

She was no stranger to the world,

No stranger to the wind

'Any Way the Wind Blows' from Hadestown


The three weeks in Lucerne feel like they're dragging by, which seems about right for being the last stop before the end of the tour. Most of the time, Eren and the guys are shuffling onto the tour bus to visit neighbouring towns and cities for shows and somehow more press junkets. They always finish their shows by midnight than spend the night coming back to the hotel only to have to do the routine all over again the following day. Luckily, they're still afforded the smallest of breaks with a day off here and there.

As for you, you chose to stay at the hotel. You find that this, the third month of your pregnancy has been the roughest, nausea-wise. As much as Eren has misgivings about you being alone at the hotel by yourself, you tell him you just can't sit on the bus anymore as it winds through the mountains.

"Okay, but... I still think you should come," he said the first time as he watched you pack his overnight bag for him. "Babe, it's not safe for you to be here by yourself..."

"Eren, I told you, I can't stay on that bus anymore, I just can't. It's too much on my nausea and it sways and bangs so much going through the mountains. Besides... being here, I work and I can concentrate on getting my article in for my extended deadline." You sigh as you zip up his bag. "Eren, I have to fight for myself, I can't hide away and look over my shoulder, and I can't stay hidden on that tour bus. I need to be free to live my life."

Eren exhales heavily through his nose as he shoves his hands in his jeans and takes in what you're saying. 

"Fine, I guess I can't stop you Rose. I've learned enough times not to try." You smile as you hand him his packed bag and he pulls it over his shoulder. "Fine, stay. But ground rules: no going out after dark, no answering the door after dark, and put something at the door to block it whenever you're home. AND your phone? What do I always tell you about your phone?"

You sigh and roll your eyes before grinning. "I know; always keep my phone on me."

"Good girl," Eren grins and pulls your chin up to kiss you lovingly before you escort him down to the bus. The guys are all waiting for you both before they see only one bag. 

"Wait, where's yours?" Levi asks you guardedly.

"She's not coming," Eren says. "The bus sways too much for her up here." The guys all nod slowly and Levi comes up and gives you a hug. 

"You take care of yourself, I mean it. Be careful Rose," he says softly and you nod and hug him back. 

"I will, thank you Levi." The guys all come give you a hug before everyone piles on the bus and Eren breathes heavily and pulls you in for a hug. You rest your foreheads against each other and Eren puts his hand gently on your tiny baby bump.

"Be safe. For the both of you."

You nod and kiss him softly before he reluctantly pulls away to sling his bag on his shoulder once more and put on his sunglasses. He walks up to the tour bus in his shirt, jeans, and perfectly loose manbun and gives you one last long look before he climbs the stairs.


The both of you settle into the routine of him going off while you stay back after that. You stay home and wash, dry, and fold everyone's laundry. You sort through the incoming fan letters, which the guys have been receiving throughout the tour, and leave them on their beds. You grin especially whenever you leave a stack of letters on Reiner's bed, he can hardly complain that he doesn't receive female attention now.

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