Chapter 51: Fireworks

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Time seems to slow down as you and Eren sleep soundly in each other's arms under the evergreen trees as the sounds of insects, frogs, and animals light up the night. You hear your names being called off in the distance as you doze and as they draw closer, your eyes flutter as you groggily wake up.

"ROSE!! ERENNNNN?!!" You hear familiar voices call out.

"WHERE ARE YOU GUYSSSS???" You hear, and you register it as Connie.

"CALL OUUUUT! We don't wanna see anything!!" Jean yells.

Eren stirs and lazily raises his head from your exposed breasts and yawns loudly. "We're over here!" he dazedly shouts as he rolls off you and pulls the blanket up to your shoulders.

"Are you guys covered up??" Floch shouts in amusement.

"Yesss now what the fuck do you guys want?" Eren asks as he tightly draws you in to rest your head on his chest. The guys laugh as they walk out from the under brushed trail. "This better be good. You woke us up."

Connie smirks as he glances at your discarded clothes all over the grass. "Damn, you two really didn't waste any time out here."

You yawn and try not to expose yourself as you stretch. Eren's wrapped his arm around you and rubs his thumb into your shoulder firmly. "Mmm no we did not. What is it you guys?"

"We wanted to tell you two to get up," Jean says as he hovers over you both. "We got Reiner, Annie, and Armin coming back with fireworks, they're gonna set them off on the dock."

"Fireworks?" you mutter, your head still in a fog. "Wait, what time is it?"

"Ahh it's like 10. What, did you two bang yourselves into a coma?" Connie laughs as Eren sits up and stretches. "Mmm kinda yeah..." he mutters as he rubs his eyes.

"Well get yourselves dressed and come be a part of the group," Jean says as he nudges Connie and the three head back towards to cottage. "You guys can come back out here and fuck till you're blue in the face once it's time to crash."

Once they're out of sight, Eren groans and lies back down and you return to cuddling on his heat-producing chest. He lightly strokes your arm as you both watch the trees and the night sky above you, seeing fireflies buzzing above you.

"I don't wanna get up," Eren stretches lazily and kisses your forehead. "Let's just go back to sleep, they won't come back a second time around." You shake your head as you rise off his chest and lean over him, giving him a perfect view of your naked breasts.

"Mmm no Eren, I want to go see these fireworks," you sigh lazily. Eren pulls you closer so he can greedily kiss your breasts and you close your eyes, lost in the sensation of his licking and sucking before you gently push him back on the blanket. "We can do that later my love, let's go see them."

You reach for your clothes as Eren looks up at you and pouts before reluctantly getting up to join you in getting redressed. Once you are, he holds his hand out for you and you both walk sluggishly through the bush once more to get back to the lake house. You emerge back into the open backyard and snap out of your post-coital head fog when you see everyone's laughing and convening around the booze table under the large gazebo.

You and Eren exchange secretive smiles as you approach the crowded table, and everyone turns to you and erupts in whoops, clapping, and wolf whistles. 


 "HEEEEYYY WE COULD HEAR YOU TWO FROM HERE!!" Marco shouts to laughter and more whistling.

"Now I know you assholes are lying," Eren says as he draws your waist close as you walk up to Ymir smirking and offering you two ready-made shots. 

"This will jolt you two back to life, you look like you sleepwalked back here."

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