Chapter 72: Her Last Words

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Your alarm on your phone chirps loudly out at 3:30am and you wake up to pitch blackness. Your stomach is churning, it started up in the aftermath of your fight with Eren and it hasn't settled since. You moan as you sit up and sigh as you rub your stomach and check for any messages from Eren, any to say he's thinking of you. Of course, there isn't any, you knew there wouldn't be any. You moan as you stand up and stretch your back out before rummaging through your luggage to find some clothes. You pick a hoodie and some sweatpants, not terribly concerned with having to look good as you'll be on the tour bus for most of the day and won't pull into Tullaslöe until right before tonight's panel interview and concert.

You sigh as you rub your stomach, trying to apply pressure to the anxiety aches as you head to the washroom. You brush your teeth miserably when there's a knock on the door and you sigh, already knowing who it is. You open the door and Eren's standing awkwardly outside, circles under his eyes and hands in his coat pockets. 

"Hey... I need my luggage." 

You wordlessly open the door and let him pass to grab it, and he grabs yours as well.

"You don't have to take mine down Eren," you say and Eren shakes his head adamantly. 

"It's fine, it's the least I can do." 

You nod and go into the bathroom, closing the door as you go back to brushing your teeth. 

"I'll wait out here," Eren says as he stands by the door, and you sigh as you put your toothbrush back into its case. You leave the room together, Eren pulling the four wheeled cases on either side of him as you shuffle your purse, laptop bag, and duffle bag on your shoulders.

You both quietly take your things down to the lobby where the rest of your group is loading their luggage onto the tour bus' storage compartment as the roadies load in the band's instruments and equipment before shuffling on the bus. Eren loads up your bags as you get on the bus, low with the sounds of people either talking quietly or getting comfortable to go back to sleep. Levi gives you a quiet nod before putting on his sleep mask and the others nod to you as well as you shuffle down the aisle till you find an empty set of seats. Eren shuffles down a moment later and stops when he sees you.

"Is this seat taken?" he asks, and you wordlessly stare up at him, crossing your arms. 

He sighs and moves back up the aisle and sits down in another empty seat. You put your purse and bags on the spare seat and settle into yours as the bus hisses before it slowly pulls away from the hotel. You watch as the narrow streets of Liberio pass by as the bus slowly makes its way down the centuries-old sleeping streets of the city. You pass colorful three- and four-story walk-ups that line cobblestone streets and feel a sense of dread and misery as you see them pass by your window.

You get a flash of a memory of walking down these streets and your brows furrow. What was that? You could've sworn you just saw something you somehow weren't supposed to see. You moan as your head begins to hurt and another flash of something... an open train station in these streets... sobbing in the passenger cabin... you moan and shut your eyes as your head starts to pound again. You go in your purse and grab the bottle of ibuprofen and shovel a few in your mouth. You lay back and sniff as you feel an overwhelming sense that you're leaving something, but you have no idea what. Your head keeps pounding until it finally subsides as the bus makes its way out of town. It's still dark out and the bus lights turn off as the bus heads out onto the Marleyan highway. Everyone remains quiet as most have drifted off to sleep. You feel your own eyes grow heavy after a while as you keep staring out the window, pitch black except for the lights of passing vehicles and streetlights.

"Psst.." you hear and you turn to see Eren standing over your row once more, his eyes sunken and tired-looking. He gives you a weak smile and you stare at him for a while before you sigh and pull your bags off your seat. Eren plops down into the seat next to you and sighs heavily. "I can't sleep Rose," he murmurs, "I haven't slept at all....and now I feel weird."

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