Chapter 27: Masterplan

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You stare at the glowing mysteriousness of the Liberian Twin Mountains as you struggle to maintain your breathing under Tengen's weight. You're rocked out of your haze by Tengen grabbing your cheek to turn your head back to him. He leans down and kisses you deeply, moaning softly as his breathing stabilizes.

"Mmm that was really flashy, thank you. Your ex was right about you, you are a good little slut when you're tied up," he smiles before rolling off you.

Tengen's head hits his pillow, and he brings one of his heaving arms, still bursting against the seams of his open dress shirt, behind his head to rest on it. His other hand starts rubbing his chest as he sighs contently. You grunt as you struggle to roll over, you can't take the weight on your arms anymore, agonizing pangs are shooting up them and down your whole body. You manage to roll to one side and stare out the window at the mountains, but the pain is still too much to bear. You swing your hip over and lie on your stomach, sighing as the immediate discomfort dissipates. Your wrists burn from the constant rubbing against the rope, and you just know they're raw.

"Oh fuck, how thoughtless of me," Tengen chuckles as he sits up and unties the pink rope, unravels it, and tosses it to the floor. You let out a groan as your arms are finally free and you raise your torso to rub them. You gasp silently as you see them raw, bleeding, stinging, and swollen, as if they'd been dragged across a rug.

"Put something on that," Tengen says as he eyes them judgementally. "Those look raw as fuck."

"I will," you croak, the first words you've formulated in some time.

"Ahh it's nice to hear from you again. I was starting to worry." Tengen says as he runs his hand over your swollen ass. He pats it and you wince. "Mmm sorry, I may have been a little too spicy back there. I can get a pharmacists over with some cream if you want. They do rush delivery even at this hour, isn't that impressive?"

He gets off the bed and pulls his damp and sticky shirt off, tossing it aside. He grabs a towel and turns to you as he rubs his groin, wiping away your combined cum.

"Are you hungry? I can order something for us. Unless you're hungry for more of me..." he says smirking.

You shake your head as you rise to your knees, still rubbing your wrists. "No thank you. I think we should discuss the matter of my...reward," you say ashamedly.

"Ahh your payment for tonight," Tengen chuckles as he gets back on the bed and lays on his side facing you, resting his upper body on his bent arm. "How could I forget that tidbit? So, what'll it be? Diamonds, flowers, a new car. Name it."

"I want my promotion," you say flatly as you sit up straight and stare at him.

He busts out laughing, completely taken aback. "Are you serious??" he laughs as he wipes a tear from his eye. "You did ALL THAT just for a stupid fucking promotion?"

"Why not?" you snap. "I've worked hard for it, I've trained for months, and I've done everything you've ever asked of me without complaint up till and including tonight. Why the fuck shouldn't I get my promotion?"

Tengen falls silent and shakes his head in amusement. "Ahh you still don't get it do you?"

"Get what?" you seethe, though you're already pretty certain.

"You're not getting that promotion Kitten, not now, not ever," he smiles as he shifts to lie on his back, bringing both his arms behind his head and closing his eyes contently. "Come on, why the hell would I ever give it to you? You're my private secretary, you do everything I've ever asked without complaint and now I've got access to that sweet little pussy of yours." He opens his eyes, still smiling, and reaches up to smacks the side of your hip, gripping it. "Ahh see, now why the hell would I give all this up so you can become a low-level producer? I have more than enough of those crawling around on the 19th floor and eating up my payroll."

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