Chapter 50: Paradis Devils Unplugged

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After Rochelle left, you sit down on the front steps and watch as Historia, holding two beers, oversees some men putting together a small platform for the Paradis Devils as others run electrical work so they'll be able to set up their instruments. She sees you and you wave weakly at her.

You feel so rotten, you had no idea that all this time, Rochelle had been hurting because she felt left by the wayside. But ultimately what she said was right. You three were going your separate ways and there was no point prolonging the inevitable breakage. It didn't stop it from hurting like shit though.

Historia gives some instructions to the crew and walks over, sitting on a step below you and twisting to look at you. 

"Hey youuu, was that Rochelle I just saw take off?"

"Yeah she had to head home," you sigh miserably.

Historia looks down at her beers and offers you one. "This was gonna be for Ymir but I think you need it more."

"Thanks," you smile meekly and take a sip. "Fading friendships are the worst feeling."

"Ahh is that what's going on between you two?" Historia asks as she takes a sip.

"Yeah I guess, I didn't know until today though, how did you?"

Historia shrugs, "I could tell there was some distance between you two, I never would've thought you were friends beforehand if I didn't see you hang out at the bonfire."

"I can't believe that bonfire happened three months ago, it feels like a lifetime ago."

"Doesn't it?" Historia laughs before grinning up at you. "You know...Eren asked about you after the three of you left that night..."

You look at her in confusion. "He did? He didn't even talk to me that night."

"Oh we know," she laughs again. "After you left, he went up to Connie, Sasha, even Marco and aggressively asked for details about you. Said he had wanted to talk to you all night and never got up the courage to and he was pissed that he let you slip away. He even asked Sasha for your number, but she said no. Told him to wait and see, because he might see you again if he was meant to."

"She did?" you say in disbelief.

"Oh yeah, turns out her intuition was right as it usually is. But can you imagine? That boy has been smitten with you from the start," Historia sighs happily.

"I guess I can," you smile thoughtfully. "He told me one time that he fell in love with me on the beach and I laughed and asked him how that was even possible."

"What did he say?"

"That he couldn't explain was just like a spark went off behind his eyes when he saw me..."

"Mmm that's so wonderful, I don't think he's ever felt that way for any girl he's been with before you, except Mikasa."

"Yeah, I was witness to quite a few Jaeger trysts, none of them were even remotely as serious," you laugh thinking back on the nights he'd have company over, how he always seemed to find a way to come out to talk to you once he was done, how he even made you laugh from time to time despite your feelings of awkwardness.

Historia and you laugh before she sighs. "I'm sorry about Rochelle, if it's any help, we all see you as a friend, and I'm so happy you're here with Eren, I've never seen him happier."

"Thanks again for throwing this Historia," you smile and reach down to give her a hug. "You were right, this retreat has really been a help to me."

"I knew it would," Historia beams. "If...if you ever need me for anything with, you know, your work troubles, please let me know. I'll do whatever's in my power to help."

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