Chapter 23: A Little Bit in Love With You

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Hands down, I'm too proud for love

But with eyes shut,

It's you I'm thinking of

'Little Bit' - Drake ft. Lykke Li


You wearily pull into your driveway just before 3 in the morning,  having driven late at night, fueled by the desire to get yourself home and into your bed. You get out of your car and groan quietly at the soreness in the back of your legs as you stretch out. You stretch your back muscles and eye the empty space next to your car. Eren's car is still gone.

You think back to Eren and the blonde girl, he must have spent the night with her. You shake your head in disbelief as you turn and head inside. It's so hard to believe you had made those devil fruit smoothies only a few hours previously, back when you were still wrapped in ignorant bliss. Ignorant to your ex-husband's wrath. Ignorant to your boss' calculated advances.

You unlock the door and enter the house, sighing heavily. You're too tired to make it up the stairs and all you want to do is collapse in your own misery. 

I just want to forget the last 24 hours ever happened, you think as you slide onto the couch and grab the throw blanket, pulling it over yourself. You shiver slightly as the cool blanket rests on your exposed skin, but you manage to cuddle into the cushions and drift into an uncomfortable sleep.


I would do it, push a button

Pull a trigger, climb a mountain

Jump off a cliff cause you know baby

I love you, love you, a little bit

You're woken by the sound of keys turning in the lock and you open your eyes sluggishly as Eren walks in quietly. Your eyes scan the room, and you notice it's still fairly dark out.  The clock on the tv box reads 4:45am. Eren kicks off his shoes and throws his jacket on the nearby armchair before making his way into the kitchen and turning on the oven hood light and the faucet. He walks over to the dining table and sits down, placing his glass of water on the table and stretching out like a cat, his long limbs tensing. He lets out a loud yawn, breaking the stillness of the house.

You rise from the couch, catching his yawn as you stretch as well. He turns to see you get off the couch, wrap the throw blanket around your shoulders, and walk over, rubbing your eyes. He notices you're still in your dress, looking crumpled as it rests against your skin.

"Shit, I'm sorry. Didn't mean to wake you," he mumbles, still tired. 

"That's alright," you say as you get your own glass of water. "That couch is comfy but it's still just a couch. I should've gone upstairs when I got home."

"Oh yeah?" Eren asks as you go and sit in the chair next to him. "What time did you get in?"

You take a big gulp and feel the cold liquid rush down your throat. "Just after three."

"Three?" he says as he raises an eyebrow. "Didn't the party end at one?"

"Mmhmm," you nod and take another drink. "Yeah, I had to supervise the cleanup."

Eren hums, not digging any further. "How did the rest of the party go? I think I left around 11."

You shrug as you pull the blanket tighter around yourself. Why does the room feel so cold? The A/C had been off all day.

"The party went off without a hitch, nothing to report really. I danced with Mikasa; I think she may have been a bit drunk though. She was very touchy-feely," you chuckle wearily.

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