*Chapter 58: Aftermath

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You arrive back home around 3 in the morning and as Eren gets out of the car, he groans in pain and keels over. It looks like his earlier rib injuries from his fight with Porco have caught up to him. 

"Eren!" you call out as you rush over to him and wrap his arm over your shoulder to help him walk. He's stiff and winces when he touches his ribs. "Eren, I think your ribs are cracked too, we should take you to the doctor."

Eren shakes his head as he leans on you for support. "No, not tonight, I can't sit in that waiting room right now. We'll go tomorrow."

You rifle through your purse to get out your keys and open the door, shuffling the both of you inside. "Well do you think you can get up the stairs?"

"Yeah, but I'll need some help."

"Okay we'll get you upstairs and into the bath," you say as you move to take his coat off. "It'll at least help your muscles for tonight."

Eren winces as you help him out of his coat as he kicks off his shoes. You both go up the stairs one at a time, Eren groaning in pain as you do. You get him into the bathroom, and prepare a steaming hot bath for him, with Epson salts and hemp and peppermint oils. You help him strip, taking off everything including his helix earrings and rings before helping him climb in the bath. He winces from the heat as he slides down and lets out a groan of relief as he's enveloped by the water, salts, and oils.

"Ohh fuck," he groans. "I think I overdid it when I fucked you." He rubs his sore neck, and closes his eyes, dipping his head back to rest on the tub. "I was only a little sore before we left but now, I think I fucked up my ribs."

You hum in agreement as you put some micellar water on a cotton pad and wipe away Eren's eye makeup. 

"We really did overdo it. My legs still feel unstable," you laugh lightly. 

He smiles as he keeps his eyes closed and you toss the wipes away and grab a face cloth. You bring over a stool to sit right behind the tub and lean Eren's head back to rest on your lap. He sighs contently as you gently press the cloth into his skin. You run the cloth over his eyelids, being sure to be gentle with his one black eye and wipe away some of the small flecks of blood still present under his nose.

He opens his eyes to watch you wash his face and he reaches up to guide your head down so he can kiss you fully. Your hand reaches to caress his neck and he sits up carefully so he can lay his head on your lap more. He tucks some curls behind your ear as you look down at him.

"Thank you Eren," you murmur softly.

"For what?" He says as his eyes stare at your lips. You smile and sigh. 

"For being here, for not running away from me, for doing what you think is best to help me."

He smiles and leans up to kiss you again and you lower yourself to your knees next to him as your lips stay connected. You lean into the tub so he can wrap his arms around your neck, and you caress his as your lips and his melt into one.

"I love you baby," he whispers between kisses.

"I love you too," you murmur as you grab the cloth and rub some eucalyptus bath lotion into it.

 You begin massaging the cloth into his neck and chest as he watches you with a fogged over glaze in his eyes. He moans softly as you massage his muscles.

"How does that feel?" you ask as you raise his arm slightly to gently massage the lotion into the side of his ribs. 

"Not as bad as I thought it would," he says as he looks down at his ribs that have formed dark purple bruising.

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