*Chapter 49: All Bets Are Off

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After a while, you all begin swimming back to the house as the sky grows dark and Reiner and Bertholdt get to work setting up a bonfire in the large fire pit. Connie goes inside to set up the outdoor speakers and starts blasting hip hop and Eren, Jean, and Floch move all the bottles of booze outside to the picnic table for easier access. You and Sasha begin dancing together, singing along to Hot in Here by Nelly before some others join in. Connie gets between you two and attempts to do some fly boy moves as you all laugh. The boy was eager to please, that's for sure. When he freezes in pose, Rochelle laughs and claps and kisses him on the lips, and he grins before kissing her back.

You eye Eren beaming and watching you as you dance, and you work your way over to him and grab his hands to pull him in. Baby Boy by Beyonce starts playing across the property and you start whining your hips to the beat as you rest his hands on them. His eyes go wide, and he starts blushing as he draws close to you.

"I--I I don't know how to dance to this!" he blurts out loudly, trying to be heard over the music. You grin and draw him in by wrapping your arms around his neck.

"You don't need to! Just follow my lead!" Your arm drops and wraps around the small of his back to draw him close to you and seeing him struggle, you laugh and turn around. "Just close your eyes and move your hips with mine!" you yell as you hold his hands on your hips.

Eren does as you say and closes his eyes and he easily begins moving his hips in time with yours. His hands squeeze into your hips and he draws you even closer and soon you're grinding and whining into his hardened cock. He pulls out the clip holding up your updo and your full red hair falls down past your shoulder blades. He buries his face into your hair as the music transitions into Mi Gente by J Balvin.

You close your eyes in bliss as you and Eren keep grinding, your desire for each other barely held together by the need for public decorum. You open your eyes and see other couples dancing while Annie and Armin head off for the woods, and Ymir pulls Historia inside, a big grin on her face. Connie and Rochelle are already gone. You pull away from Eren and spin around to smile up at him dreamily. He looks down at you with a glaze to his eyes.

"Let's go upstairs," he says hungrily into your ear.

You laugh and shake your head, "Not yet, I want to hang out with people for a bit more," you say in his. "Besides Eren, don't forget our little bet." You pull back and smirk before holding his hand while you make your way to the booze table. Sasha and Nicolo are pouring shots as Reiner, Bertholdt, and Floch chat.

"Where's Armin?" Eren asks as he subtly pulls you to stand right in front of him as you pour two shots of tequila.

"Ahh, I think he and Annie took off," Floch grins. "They do love their nighttime 'hikes'."

"Damn, he and I were gonna play pool tonight," Eren mumbles as you turn around to hand the shot to him.

"You'll have plenty of time for that," you say as you wrap your arm around Eren's to shoot from each other's glass. Eren bends down a bit so you can easily reach his lips and you both grin and shoot back your heads, letting the tequila pour down your throats.

"Ahh, I want another," you giggle and turn around.

"We'll partake in some," Jean says as he and Mikasa walk up hand-in-hand from where the dancing's taking place. You pour two more shots of tequila and everyone else grabs a shot to partake as well.

"Okay, on the count of three everyone," Jean laughs. On three everyone shoots back the tequila and whoops and hollers are let out, as the music keeps playing.

You and Sasha go off to dance once again and Mikasa joins you as you all dance in a circle to Feel No Ways, singing along to Drake. You three are offered another round of shots by Marco as he joins in, and you all laugh as you shoot back again and keep singing along.

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