*Chapter 44: Stronger Together

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You drive back into the city limits just after 8:00, as the sun has disappeared below the horizon and drop Zeke off at his house. You all get out of the car and Zeke comes over to give you a tight hug before he strides around the car to give Eren one.

"Thanks for the key man," Eren says as they bump each other's backs.

"No problem," Zeke says. "I know you'll get good use out of that place."

Eren shifts in Zeke's arms. "You can let go now Zeke..."

"Mmm just another minute," Zeke says and squeezes tighter.

"Ugh get off," Eren groans and moves out of his hug. You clear your throat and look at Eren as you walk to stand next to him.

"Eren, is there something you'd like to invite Zeke to?"

Eren sighs and rolls his eyes. "Zeke would you like to come to dinner Sunday after next?" Zeke grins widely as he looks at the both of you.

"Why yes, I would baby brother. I'd love to come by!" He wishes you a goodnight before he turns and punches into the keypad to open the gate while Eren walks over to get behind the wheel and you climb into the passenger seat. Eren beeps the horn and Zeke waves behind him as you pull away.

"I can't believe he managed to worm his way into keeping us around for another day," Eren mutters as he drives down the cliff scattered with mansions.

"Oh, you think so?" you giggle as you turn the radio on.

"Definitely, he knew what he was doing when he drove us to that diner. He never just happens to have that key in his pocket."

"Ahh," you say as you smile and look over at Eren. "Your brother sure has his conniving side, but it's sweet that he wanted to spend more time with us. Still, I wonder what the reason was for even going up there?"

Eren shrugs. "He probably wanted to give me key to the cabin."

"Couldn't he just given you the key at home?" you laugh as you turn to face the front as Eren turns onto the freeway and picks up speed.

"Well... I uhh... I told Zeke I wanted to take you up there... to live for a while. He must have wanted you to see it for yourself, I told him you weren't very receptive to the idea when I first brought it up."

"Oh..." you say as you scan the numerous cars driving on every side of you. "You really want to live up there huh? You think we'll have a reason to go up there?"

"I don't know Rose... I just get this feeling we're not in the clear with Uzui."

"Oh..." you repeat and instinctively feel the low throb in your sprained wrist and massage the splint covering it.

Eren reaches over and holds your hand. "Hey, it's just a feeling babe. It might not be right." He squeezes your hand. "Just go in tomorrow with your head high, I'll make sure to pick you up from your desk again."

You feel your energy leave you at the thought. It did seem almost too easy, even with Eren's threats. What if Tengen had something up his sleeve for tomorrow? What if he planned to abduct you in the middle of the day when you least suspected it? Would you be able to fight him off again?

"What if...what if he tries something again Eren? He tried t—" you take a deep breath, "he tried to rape me last week. I'm so worried he's gonna try something like that again," you say as your anxiety rises. Eren squeezes your hand when he hears you use the word 'rape', it's never been said before now, just implied.

"Do whatever you can to not be alone with him. Don't go in his office anymore, don't stay around when the office empties out for lunch and no more late nights. I don't care about your backlog; your day ends at 4:30 sharp starting now. I'll pick you up every day next week from your desk and then me and the band will be around to record the week after. Please babe, we'll get through this."

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