Chapter 24: Confession by the Sea

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Wouldn't it be nice

To take a walk on some pure white sand

Gaze at the horizon,

Without living in fear?

'Barricades' by Hiroyuki Sawano


The following few days had been a blur of work drama for you. Lord Tengen wasn't bluffing when he said he wanted you again so soon for round 2. On the Monday, he called you into his office around noon just as you were making your way to the elevator to go to lunch. He had made sure his office doors were locked before grabbing you and bending you over his mahogany oak desk to have you again. You had spent the entire time zoning out, trying to keep your sounds low as he ruthlessly pounded into you, much to his amusement. For his part, he didn't even bother to keep his sex sounds to a minimum, he was the boss, the CEO, and had nothing to lose after all. After his climax, you both huffed loudly as you tried to find your respective clothes.

"Ahh by the way Rose, what are you doing on Thursday night?" Tengen asked as he buttoned up his pants and adjusted his cuffs.

"I'm not sure, probably nothing," you murmured as you glanced in one of his mirrors to fix your hair and your glasses.

"Well than I'll pick you up at 8, I wanna take you out for once. I wanna show you off."

"Oh yeah? Where are we going?" you asked in genuine surprise.

He thought for a moment, "How about Stohess Bistro? I think you'd like it."

Your eyebrows raised as you stared at him. That place wasn't cheap by any stretch, in fact you definitely had to be a part of the upper-crust to even get in. And it wasn't inconspicuous either. The place would be packed, it always was. You two would definitely be seen by Shiganshina society.

"Are you sure we should go there?" you asked, waiting for him to reconsider.

"Oh yeah," he grinned. "I wanna take you there. So, wear something classy and flashy."


On Thursday, you start getting ready for your date as soon as you get home. Eren's still working, and you're thankful for that. You two had been exchanging awkward small talk since the kiss you shared and now you were just happy he wouldn't be around to see you going on a date.

Or maybe this was what he needed to drop his interest? The date was certainly changing your perspective, maybe it would change his too. After all, Tengen had initiated it, much to your surprise. It was going to be in a very public restaurant that crawled with Shiganshina's rich and famous on a daily basis. This had to be a way for Tengen to take you public. You couldn't believe he wanted to so soon but then again, you'd worked with each other for three years already, you had known him for much longer. Maybe he didn't feel the need to wade through all the dating mind games with you and just wanted to cut to the chase.

This would be great for you, after all, you two get along well. You share a fair number of interests, and he does make you genuinely laugh sometimes. He knows at least some of your past and doesn't seem to care about it. He genuinely likes you and has for longer than you imagined. He's incredibly handsome and rich, bonuses to you. All those little kisses on the cheek, the time he had kissed you when you first started working for him... it had all led to this. A real date, possibly the beginning of your new life with Tengen.

Yes he can be mean, shallow, boastful, greedy, and downright domineering but at the end of the day he had gone to so much effort to woo you over, he had wanted you for so long....maybe this, maybe he was who you were meant for after all.

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