*Chapter 71: Christmas Ultimatum

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On Christmas morning, Eren wakes up as you sleep next to him, both of you still naked and spooning. He sighs as he calls the front desk on the hotel's phone.

"Hello front desk? Yeah, good morning, Merry Christmas. I wanna use this room for one more night before we head out.... Yeah for tonight again, go ahead and charge it to my card...... sweet, thanks... Oh! And can we get housekeeping up here? Cool, thanks..." He hangs up and sighs as he lays back down and runs his hand up and down your back.

"Mmm morning baby, Merry Christmas..." he murmurs seductively into your ear as your eyes open. He slowly kisses your ear as his hand presses and kneads your ass hungrily.

"Merry Christmas," you murmur as you feel his hot breaths on your neck before he kisses it as well. You stir and sigh as you roll onto your back as Eren moves to lay on top of you.

"It's our first Christmas together," Eren grins before kissing you fully on the lips and you moan softly as you hold his face.

He wraps his arms around you and lowers his lips to kiss your neck longingly before he slides lower down to kiss your breasts, moaning softly as he does. He holds you tightly and his arm unwraps itself so he can reach out and pin your hand into the bed as he keeps sucking and kissing your breast.

"Eren," you sigh, "not now, I wanna go shower."

"Mmm come on," he moans, "I'm already hard babe, we can be quick."

"No thanks, my thighs are still sore from last night." Eren keeps moaning as he keeps kissing you, his fingers beginning to play with yours. You sigh in annoyance, "Strawberry, Eren."

Eren's eyes open and he pops your nipple out of his mouth when he hears your safe word. "Strawberry?"

"Strawberry. Now get off of me. I need to pee," you say and roll off the bed. You shut the door and huff as you pee, still fully annoyed by Eren's indifference from last night. What's worse is even after getting out his and your anger last night, he still only made half-hearted assurances to dampen down the female attention. Your hopes that him seeing you with another guy last night only did half the job it was supposed to. Did  it hurt him? Yes. Did it piss him off? Oh definitely. But did it hammer it into his thick skull that this was non-negotiable? No, not at all.

You turn on the taps and as you shower, relaxing in the hot water, and Eren steps in from behind. You spin around, "Uhhh can you knock next time? You could've given me a heart attack Eren."

He smiles sheepishly, "Sorry babe, I need to shower too." He kisses you on the head as you both try to shower, having to constantly shuffle around each other in the narrow bathtub. "Well thank fucking god we decided not to fuck in here," Eren chuckles and you nod.

"Yeah, it would be a nightmare." You both get out and dry yourselves off and you notice Eren staring at you. "What?"

"Mmm nothing, you just look really good right now," he says and leans in to kiss your cheek.

"Thank you," you say softly, closing your eyes to enjoy his lips on your skin. You watch his cute firm backside go, feeling your resolve crumble somewhat as you keep towelling off. You leave the bathroom to get changed and Eren clears his throat and hands you a gift. You open it up and see it's fuzzy red flannel pajama pants, matching the green ones he's wearing.

"Thought we could match for Christmas," he chuckles, and you smile as you put them on. You grab a tank top as well and Eren gives you another gift.

"Eren, we're supposed to do the gift exchange downstairs..." you sigh.

Eren shrugs, "I wanted you to open this up here." You eye him suspiciously and he laughs, "Don't worry, it's nothing like that." You open it to find a heart shaped locket, and inside you find his initials and yours engraved in either side.

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